Garden Place City Centre

The request was partially successful.

Dear Sunderland City Council,

I am writing to request a list of all subcontractors, suppliers and consultants & telephone numbers involved in the demolition of outbuildings and construction of new link road with associated retaining walls and landscaping.

Please may I request this due to the freedom of information act 2000.

Yours faithfully,

M Wattam

Solicitor - Freedom of Information, Sunderland City Council

Re: Your request for information concerning:


Subcontractors, suppliers and consultant details


The Council aims to provide available information promptly and in any
event within 20 working days, unless, exceptionally, there is a need to
consider whether the information is exempt from disclosure.


I will contact you again soon in connection with your request.


Please quote the reference below if you contact the Council regarding this


Customer Request Number:  18 10 94








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OCEFOI, Sunderland City Council

1 Attachment

Dear M Wattam,


I refer to your recent request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.  I can confirm that the Council does hold some of
this information.


I am writing to request a list of all subcontractors, suppliers and
consultants & telephone numbers involved in the demolition of outbuildings
and construction of new link road with associated retaining walls and
landscaping at Garden Place City Centre.

Activity Contractor/Consultant Contact
Demolition of MGL  Group Davison House
construction new Rennys Lane
retaining walls
Dragonville Industrial



0191 383 9900
Street Lighting Balfour Beatty Living Unit 14 Brooklands Way,
contractor Places Boldon Colliery NE35 9LZ

0191 519 6060
Air Quality Assessment SLR Consulting  Ltd 7 Wornal Park, Menmarsh
Road, Worminghall,
Noise Assessment Aylesbury, HP18 9PH

01844 337380
Archaeological Northern Archaeological Marwood House
assessment and watching Associates Ltd
brief Harmire Enterprise Park

Barnard Castle

Co. Durham

DL12 8BN

t: 01833 690800
Ground condition desktop Ian Farmer Associates 4 Faraday Cl, Washington
survey and borehole NE38 8QJ
testing and reporting
0191 482 8500
Ecological survey and Durham Wildlife Services Rainton Meadows
Chilton Moor


Tyne & Wear


01388 488885
Construction new link Contractor yet to be -------
road and landscaping appointed (procurement


Please note that where a main contractor employs sub-contractors, or
sub-consultants, the Council does not always hold this information.


I hope this is satisfactory.  If, however, you are dissatisfied with our
response to your request for information, you can ask for the decision to
be reviewed in reply to this letter, however any request for review must
be submitted within 40 days of the date of this freedom of information
response.  The review will be removed from the Directorate and coordinated
by the Council’s Information Governance Officer.   A request for review
should be directed, by email to [1][Sunderland City Council request email],
by post or by hand addressed to; Information Governance Officer,
Governance Services, Civic Centre, PO Box 100, Sunderland SR2 7DN.


You are of course entitled to apply to the Information Commissioner at any
time, although the Commissioner will not usually investigate until the
public authority’s internal review procedure has been concluded.


Kind Regards



Steve Hanratty

Business Development Manager

Economy and Place Directorate

Sunderland City Council

Tel: 0191 5617808









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