Gap year applicants to V100
Dear Durham University,
I would be grateful if you would provide a breakdown of the achieved grades of candidates who successfully applied to the History BA course at Durham University after having already taken their exams and received their results.
For example, hypothetically, 45% of candidates who applied to V100 (with achieved grades) and received an offer had grades of AA*A*.
In addition, please would you provide the following proportions:
(1) The percentage of applicants who applied with achieved grades (after having already taken their exams and received their results), out of a total of all applicants.
(2) The percentage of successful applicants who applied with achieved grades (after having already taken their exams and received their results), out of a total of all applicants who gained offers.
Yours faithfully,
Cecelia Knight
Dear Ms Knight,
Freedom of Information Request
I acknowledge receipt of your email below requesting information from
Durham University.
Please be advised that the University will respond as soon as possible and
in any event within 20 working days.
Yours sincerely,
Information Governance Unit
Durham University
Information Governance Unit
t: +44 (0) 191 334 6103/46246 e: [Durham University request email]
This message is intended solely for the addressee(s) in the first instance
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Dear Ms Knight
Thank you for your request for information from Durham University.
Colleagues have provided the information below in response to your
I would be grateful if you would provide a breakdown of the achieved
grades of candidates who successfully applied to the History BA course at
Durham University after having already taken their exams and received
their results.
For example, hypothetically, 45% of candidates who applied to V100 (with
achieved grades) and received an offer had grades of AA*A*.
In addition, please would you provide the following proportions:
(1) The percentage of applicants who applied with achieved grades (after
having already taken their exams and received their results), out of a
total of all applicants.
(2) The percentage of successful applicants who applied with achieved
grades (after having already taken their exams and received their
results), out of a total of all applicants who gained offers.
The table below shows the breakdown of grades for offer holders for V100
in 2016/17 who had already achieved A Levels:
Grade Profile % of Offer Holders
A*A*A* 16%
A*A*AA 9%
A*A*A 30%
A*AA 20%
Other A Level Combination 25%
We have grouped together any grade profiles where the number of offers
holders is lower than 4 to preserve anonymity. This data only includes
unconditional offer holders who had taken 3 or more A Levels. There will
also be offer holders who had already achieved alternative level 3
qualifications, but to obtain this data we would need to manually review
each application and contact academic departments to obtain information
not submitted as part of the UCAS application. To do this would exceed
the cost limit.
1) The percentage of applicants who applied with achieved grades (after
having already taken their exams and received their results), out of a
total of all applicants = 10%.
2) The percentage of successful applicants who applied with achieved
grades (after having already taken their exams and received their
results), out of a total of all applicants who gained offers = 9%
For both 1) and 2) “applicants with achieved grades” is based on
applicants holding 3 or more A Levels.
If you are dissatisfied with the University’s response to your freedom of
information request, you can ask us to internally review our handling of
your request, including the application of any exemptions applied. To do
this, please email [1][Durham University request email] or write to:
Information Governance Unit
Maple Wing
Mountjoy Centre
Stockton Road
Please state the grounds on which you wish the decision to be reviewed and
enclose any other information that may be useful in considering the matter
further. We aim to inform you of our decision within 20 working days from
the date your request for internal review is received.
If you are not satisfied with the results of the internal review you may
apply to the Information Commissioner's Office for an independent review.
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Yours sincerely
David Cull
Information Governance Officer
Visible links
1. mailto:[Durham University request email]
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