Gagging Orders in Secret Family Courts

Mrs Docherty made this Freedom of Information request to Powys County Council This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

n the wake of the people speaking out against the abuses of the
secret family courts and forced adoption of children to strangers,
instead of being retained within their real natural families. I
would like to know how your authority compares to others in
fulfilling your responsibilities to families & their children.

(a) How many individuals have been taken to court by your authority
in-order to gag them. To stop them from speaking out about the
injustices they have suffered at the hands of the council
children's social services and secret family courts. Provide all
records to-date that are held.

(b) How much did these gagging order injunctions cost the rate

(c) Who is responsible for actioning these enforcement orders by
the council, i.e. who signs the applications for court.

(d) How many parents /relatives/individuals have received further
sanctions for breaking these gagging orders.

(e) Are any of these decisions to gag/sanction taken by unelected
local authority officers responsible for children’s social care,
finance, legal or any other relevant department.

(f) If councillors make these decisions at which meeting(s) are
these discussed.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Docherty

Powys County Council

October 14, 2009

Person Dealing: Andrea Hughson
Direct Dial: 01597 829418

Dear Mrs. Docherty,

Reference No: F-2009-00416

Thank you for your request for information, received at this office on
October 14, 2009, in which you requested details of the following:

In the wake of the people speaking out against the abuses of the secret
family courts and forced adoption of children to strangers, instead of
being retained within their real natural families. I would like to know
how your authority compares to others in fulfilling your responsibilities
to families & their children.

(a) How many individuals have been taken to court by your authority
in-order to gag them. To stop them from speaking out about the
injustices they have suffered at the hands of the council children's
social services and secret family courts. Provide all records to-date that
are held.

b) How much did these gagging order injunctions cost the rate payer.

(c) Who is responsible for actioning these enforcement orders by the
council, i.e. who signs the applications for court.
(d) How many parents /relatives/individuals have received further
sanctions for breaking these gagging orders.

(e) Are any of these decisions to gag/sanction taken by unelected local
authority officers responsible for children*s social care, finance, legal
or any other relevant department
(f) If councillors make these decisions at which meeting(s) are these
Your request will now be considered and you will receive a response within
the statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act, subject
to the information not being exempt or containing a reference to a third
party. In some circumstances Powys County Council may be unable to achieve
this deadline. If this is likely you will be informed and given a revised
time-scale at the earliest opportunity.

There may be a fee payable for the retrieval, collation and provision of
the information you request. If this is the case you will be informed and
the 20 working day timescale will be suspended until we receive payment
from you. If you choose not to make a payment then your request will
remain unanswered.

Some requests may also require either full or partial transference to
another public authority in order to answer your query in the fullest
possible way. Again, you will be informed if this is the case.

The due date for responding to this request for information is November
11, 2009.

Should you need to discuss this further please contact the officer dealing
with your request as identified at the beginning of this letter or
Information Management on 01597 825013.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in
Powys County Council.

Yours sincerely,

Andrea Hughson
Rheolwr Cofnodion a Chydymffurfiaeth
Records & Compliance Manager

Powys County Council
Information Management
Unit 29,
Ddole Road Enterprise Park
Llandrindod Wells
01597 825013

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Powys County Council

November 5, 2009

Person Dealing: Andrea Hughson
Direct Dial: 01597 829418

Dear Mrs. Docherty,

Reference No: F-2009-00416

With reference to your request for information dated October 13, 2009
requesting the following information:

In the wake of the people speaking out against the abuses of the secret
family courts and forced adoption of children to strangers, instead of
being retained within their real natural families. I would like to know
how your authority compares to others in fulfilling your responsibilities
to families & their children.

(a) How many individuals have been taken to court by your authority
in-order to gag them. To stop them from speaking out about the injustices
they have suffered at the hands of the council children's social services
and secret family courts. Provide all records to-date that are held.

b) How much did these gagging order injunctions cost the rate payer.

(c) Who is responsible for actioning these enforcement orders by the
council, i.e. who signs the applications for court.

(d) How many parents /relatives/individuals have received further
sanctions for breaking these gagging orders.

(e) Are any of these decisions to gag/sanction taken by unelected local
authority officers responsible for children*s social care, finance, legal
or any other relevant department

(f) If councillors make these decisions at which meeting(s) are these
I am writing to advise you that Powys County Council do not take any
person to court to obtain a gagging order in the circumstances described
in your request.
The remainder of your questions therefore are not applicable.

Furthermore, proceedings involving children are generally private and
therefore the court will not allow any information from the proceedings to
be disclosed without its express permission.

This request is now closed. Should you wish to discuss this further,
please contact the officer dealing with your request as identified above,
or Information Management on 01597 829418 / 825013.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in
Powys County Council.

Yours sincerely,

Andrea Hughson
Rheolwr Cofnodion a Chydymffurfiaeth
Records & Compliance Manager

If you are dissatisfied with the service you have received in relation to
your request and wish to make a complaint, please contact Information
Management. Our complaints procedure is available on request or on our


If you are still not satisfied following this, you can make an appeal to
the Information Commissioner, who is the statutory regulator. The
Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner*s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone 01625 545 700

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