Gagging Orders

The request was partially successful.

Dear Denbighshire Council,

Please could you disclose the number of staff exits which have included the use of gagging orders otherwise technically known as compromise or settlement agreements during the last 10 years.

Please could you provide a breakdown of the numbers and costs of such agreements per year.

If possible please could you indicate how many agreements in each year involved a member of staff exiting the organisation whose role involved working with children or other vulnerable groups.

Yours faithfully,

Rhys Matthews

Denbighshire County Council

Dear Mr Matthews,

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information

Thank you for your recent request for information held by Denbighshire County Council received 22 August 2013 regarding gagging orders.

As set out by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 it will be our aim to respond to your request by 19 September 2013. In some cases, however, we may be unable to achieve this deadline. If this occurs we will advise you of the likely timescale within which the response will be provided.

Under the Freedom of Information Act the Council may charge for disbursement costs (e.g. photocopies, postage). However should there be any such costs, you will be notified of this prior to the commencement of any work.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further advice or guidance relating to the above.

Yours sincerely,

Nicola Samuel
Rheolwr Cofnodion/Archifydd
Records Manager/Archivist
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych/Denbighshire County Council

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Mae'r wybodaeth a gynhwysir yn yr e-bost hwn ac unrhyw ffeiliau a drosglwyddir gydag o wedi eu bwriadu yn unig ar gyfer pwy bynnag y cyfeirir ef ato neu atynt. Os ydych wedi derbyn yr e-bost hwn drwy gamgymeriad, hysbyswch yr anfonwr ar unwaith os gwelwch yn dda.

Mae cynnwys yr e-bost yn cynrychioli barn yr unigolyn(ion) a enwir uchod ac nid yw o angenrheidrwydd yn cynrychioli barn Cyngor Sir Ddinbych. Serch hynny, fel Corff Cyhoeddus, efallai y bydd angen i Gyngor Sir Ddinbych ddatgelu'r e-bost hwn [neu unrhyw ymateb iddo] dan ddarpariaethau deddfwriaethol.

The information contained in this e-mail message and any files transmitted with it is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the sender immediately.

The contents of this e-mail represents the views of the individual(s) named above and do not necessarily represent the views of Denbighshire County Council. However, as a Public Body, Denbighshire County Council may be required to disclose this e-mail [or any response to it] under legislative provisions.

Denbighshire County Council

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Mae'r wybodaeth a gynhwysir yn yr e-bost hwn ac unrhyw ffeiliau a
drosglwyddir gydag o wedi eu bwriadu yn unig ar gyfer pwy bynnag y
cyfeirir ef ato neu atynt. Os ydych wedi derbyn yr e-bost hwn drwy
gamgymeriad, hysbyswch yr anfonwr ar unwaith os gwelwch yn dda.

Mae cynnwys yr e-bost yn cynrychioli barn yr unigolyn(ion) a enwir uchod
ac nid yw o angenrheidrwydd yn cynrychioli barn Cyngor Sir Ddinbych. Serch
hynny, fel Corff Cyhoeddus, efallai y bydd angen i Gyngor Sir Ddinbych
ddatgelu'r e-bost hwn [neu unrhyw ymateb iddo] dan ddarpariaethau

The information contained in this e-mail message and any files transmitted
with it is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom
they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please
notify the sender immediately.

The contents of this e-mail represents the views of the individual(s)
named above and do not necessarily represent the views of Denbighshire
County Council. However, as a Public Body, Denbighshire County Council may
be required to disclose this e-mail [or any response to it] under
legislative provisions.

Denbighshire County Council

Dear Mr Matthews,

Thank you for your request for information received 22 August 2013 regarding gagging orders.

The process of searching for the information you required is complete and I can now advise you as follows:

Q1. Please could you disclose the number of staff exits which have included the use of gagging orders otherwise technically known as compromise or settlement agreements during the last 10 years.
A1. Please see question 2.
Q2. Please could you provide a breakdown of the numbers and costs of such agreements per year.
A2. The information prior to 2009 is held in a manual filing system and searching for the information you require would exceed the appropriate limit and under section 12(1)(where the cost of compliance exceeds the appropriate limit) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I have refused this part of your request.
2009/10 - 3 Compromise Agreements - £131,962.12
2010/11 - 2 Compromise Agreements - £37,500.00
2011/12 - 4 Compromise Agreements - £91,693.92
2012/13 - 8 Compromise Agreements - £182,032.24
Q3. If possible please could you indicate how many agreements in each year involved a member of staff exiting the organisation whose role involved working with children or other vulnerable groups.
A3. Providing this information may identify the individual receiving the payment and under section 40(2)(personal information)of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I have refused this part of your request.

If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.

If you have any concerns about the manner in which the Council has dealt with your request for information please do not hesitate to contact me. Alternatively you can contact the Access to Information Feedback Officer, Records Management, 46 Clwyd Street, Ruthin, LL15 1HP. As I am sure you are aware the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is regulated by the Information Commissioner whose address is Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

The contents of this communication and the enclosed documents are subject to copyright protection. It has been sent to you for your information and you may use it for any private study, non-commercial research or news reporting. Any other re-use, for example commercial publication or publication on a website, requires the permission of this Council. If you wish to re-use this information please contact us, letting us know how you wish to re-use it and what the intended audience will be so that we can consider your request.

Yours sincerely,

Nicola Samuel
Rheolwr Cofnodion/Archifydd
Records Manager/Archivist
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych/Denbighshire County Council

Ffôn/Telephone: 01824 707023/708245
Ffôn symudol/[mobile number]
E-bost: [email address]
E-mail: [email address]

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Mae'r wybodaeth a gynhwysir yn yr e-bost hwn ac unrhyw ffeiliau a drosglwyddir gydag o wedi eu bwriadu yn unig ar gyfer pwy bynnag y cyfeirir ef ato neu atynt. Os ydych wedi derbyn yr e-bost hwn drwy gamgymeriad, hysbyswch yr anfonwr ar unwaith os gwelwch yn dda.

Mae cynnwys yr e-bost yn cynrychioli barn yr unigolyn(ion) a enwir uchod ac nid yw o angenrheidrwydd yn cynrychioli barn Cyngor Sir Ddinbych. Serch hynny, fel Corff Cyhoeddus, efallai y bydd angen i Gyngor Sir Ddinbych ddatgelu'r e-bost hwn [neu unrhyw ymateb iddo] dan ddarpariaethau deddfwriaethol.

The information contained in this e-mail message and any files transmitted with it is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the sender immediately.

The contents of this e-mail represents the views of the individual(s) named above and do not necessarily represent the views of Denbighshire County Council. However, as a Public Body, Denbighshire County Council may be required to disclose this e-mail [or any response to it] under legislative provisions.