Further call for HE evidence

The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please supply the Local Authority response made to Graham Badman's call on 17 September 2009 for further evidence regarding the Report into Home Education.

Yours faithfully,

S Tyler

Dearing James, Hull City Council

Dear Ms Tyler,

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Information Request - 000844/09

We acknowledge receipt of your information request received on 07/10/2009
which is being processed according to the Freedom of Information Act
(2000). We will inform you as soon as possible of any charges that maybe
associated with it.

The legislation allows us 20 working days to respond which takes us to
04/11/2009. There are some circumstances under which this deadline may be
extended legally but we will inform you as soon as we know if these
apply. We are currently experiencing high volumes of requests which may
mean we fail to meet some deadlines, however please be assured that we
will endeavour to provide responses as soon as possible.

In the interests of efficiency and the environment the Council may decide
to send you an electronic (e-mail or disk) copy of the information you
have requested rather than print it onto paper. Please contact us to
discuss alternatives if this will not be suitable for you.

We are required to advise you that if you wish to complain about our
response in any way, then this should initially be done through the
Council's internal complaints procedure. Please contact Lynne Bird, Legal
Services, The Guildhall, Hull HU1 2AA to register your complaint. If you
are not satisfied with the outcome of the internal complaints procedure
then you may take your complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office,
the government body established to enforce the legislation. Their details
are Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, telephone
01625 545 700, Email: [1][email address], web site

The Council's Freedom of Information Policy, which includes the charging
policy, is available on request and from the web site
[3]www.hullcc.gov.uk. Also available is a booklet on `Accessing
Information from Hull City Council' which explains how to request
information and your rights (according to the Data Protection Act 1998 and
The Freedom of Information Act 2000).

Yours sincerely,

James Dearing
Information Governance Team
Hull City Council
[email address]
Tel: 01482 300300

show quoted sections

Dear Dearing James,

I made a Freedom of Information request on 7th October, which is now overdue a response.

In not providing a response within the 20 working-day limit of 4th November, you are now breaking the law. Therefore I am requesting an internal review.

The information requested is below:

On 17 September, Graham Badman via a DCSF email made a further call for evidence to Local Authorities regarding the Review/Report into Elective Home

I am requesting your response to that call.

The documents requested by the DCSF can be found at the link below:
http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/everychildmatters/ publications/documents/laeelectivehomeeducation/

Note I have inserted a space before the word 'publications' to ensure the link is visible.

Please note that I am NOT requesting your Public Consultation response.

Please supply the information requested as a matter of urgency.

Yours sincerely,

S Tyler

Dearing James, Hull City Council

Dear Ms Tyler,

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Information Request - 000653/09

Please accept our apologies for failing to provide a response within the
deadline but we are experiencing a high volume of requests at present
which is affecting our ability to meet our normal service targets.
Please be assured that your request is being processed and we hope to be
issuing your response as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Information Governance Team
Hull City Council
[email address]
Tel: 01482 300300

We are required to advise you that if you wish to complain about our
response in any way, then this should initially be done through the
Council's internal complaints procedure. Please contact Lynne Bird,
Legal Services, The Guildhall, Hull HU1 2AA to register your complaint.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the internal complaints
procedure then you may take your complaint to the Information
Commissioner's Office, the government body established to enforce the
legislation. Their details are Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire, SK9 5AF, telephone 01625 545 700, Email: [email address],
web site www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk.

The Council's Freedom of Information Policy, which includes the charging
policy, is available on request and from the web site www.hullcc.gov.uk.
Also available is a booklet on 'Accessing Information from Hull City
Council' which explains how to request information and your rights
(according to the Data Protection Act 1998 and The Freedom of
Information Act 2000).

show quoted sections

Tania Berlow left an annotation ()

Overdue in internal review

Dear Hull City Council,

I have not yet been notified of an internal review to the following:

Dear Dearing James,

I made a Freedom of Information request on 7th October, which is now overdue a response.

In not providing a response within the 20 working-day limit of 4th November, you are now breaking the law. Therefore I am requesting an internal review.

The information requested is below:

On 17 September, Graham Badman via a DCSF email made a further call for evidence to Local Authorities regarding the Review/Report into Elective Home

I am requesting your response to that call.

The documents requested by the DCSF can be found at the link below:

Note I have inserted a space before the word 'publications' to ensure the link is visible.

Please note that I am NOT requesting your Public Consultation response.

Please supply the information requested as a matter of urgency.

Yours sincerely,

S Tyler

Brant Carron, Hull City Council

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Internal Review - 001079/09

Please accept our apologies for failing to recognise the internal review
you sent on 5th November 2009 relating to your Freedom of Information
request 844/09. Please direct all further correspondence relating to this
review to Miss Lynne Bird, as advised in our letters, who conducts the
reviews .

This will be given urgent attention and Miss Bird willl be contacting you
with the outcome of the review as soon as possible.


Miss Carron Brant
Information Governance Manager
Room 164
The Guildhall
Hull City Council
Tel 01482 615167

show quoted sections

Information Governance, Hull City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Tyler

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Information Request - 844/09

Report into Home Education

With regard to your Freedom of Information request received on 7 October
2009 as detailed in bold below, please find our response attached and
below. We sincerely apologise for the lateness of the response.

Please supply the Local Authority response made to Graham Badman's call on
17 September 2009 for further evidence regarding the Report into Home

Please find attached the information which was sent to Graham Badman in
response to his letter of the 17 September 2009.

Please note that this information is subject to copyright and supply of
the information to you under the Freedom of Information Act does not
confer an automatic right to re-use it in a way that would infringe
copyright. You are free to use it for your own purposes, including any
non-commercial research or private study you are carrying out and for
purposes of news reporting.

We hope that you will be satisfied with our response and should you
require any further information then please do not hesitate to contact

We are required to advise you that if you wish to complain about our
response in any way, then this should initially be done through the
Council's internal complaints procedure. Please contact Lynne Bird, Legal
Services, The Guildhall, Hull HU1 2AA to register your complaint. If you
are not satisfied with the outcome of the internal complaints procedure
then you may take your complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office,
the government body established to enforce the legislation. Their details
are Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, telephone
01625 545 700, Email: [1][email address], web site

The Council's Freedom of Information Policy, which includes the charging
policy, is available on request and from the web site
[3]www.hullcc.gov.uk. Also available is a booklet on `Accessing
Information from Hull City Council' which explains how to request
information and your rights (according to the Data Protection Act 1998 and
The Freedom of Information Act 2000).

Yours sincerely

The Information Governance Team

Hull City Council

Tel 01482 300300

show quoted sections

Bird Lynne, Hull City Council

Your request for a review of this matter has been passed to me I apologise
for my delay in replying as I have just returned from holiday. I have
looked into this matter and understand you have now received a response to
your request. Your first request for a review was not passed to me and I
understand you have already received an apology for that. The response
was clearly not sent within 40 days of your request. The delay was because
of workload pressures within the Freedom of Information Team, similar
delays are being experienced by other people requesting information. I
have asked the manager of the team to try and address the resource problem
but this is proving difficult. I can only apologise for the delay and
accept that is not satisfactory.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the internal
procedure then you may take your complaint to the Information
Commissioner's Office, the government body established to enforce
legislation. Their details are Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Cheshire, SK9 5AF, telephone 01625 545 700, Email: [email address],
web site [1]www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk.

show quoted sections

Tania Berlow left an annotation ()

This is another LA unaccounted for. The DCSF have now said that Worcestershire, Tameside, Hounslow, Sheffield and Knowsly did NOT respond even although thier responses are clearly here on this site and that the other 8 for whihc data came in, were too late for the deadline.even although their responses are clearly here on this site.