Further call for HE evidence
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please supply the Local Authority response made to Graham Badman's call on 17 September 2009 for further evidence regarding the Report into Home Education.
Yours faithfully,
S Tyler
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your email below. However I am unable to help you as I do
not know who Mr Badman contacted here at the Council. Maybe you can ask Mr
Badman who he spoke with and contact the relevant office by telephone as Mr
Badman did.
Kind regards,
Tracey Tomlinson
Democratic Services Officer
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
S Tyler
95934b@whatdothey To
know.com> FOI requests at East Riding of
Yorkshire Council
07/10/2009 20:20 <[East Riding of Yorkshire Council request email]>
Freedom of Information request -
Further call for HE evidence
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please supply the Local Authority response made to Graham Badman's
call on 17 September 2009 for further evidence regarding the Report
into Home Education.
Yours faithfully,
S Tyler
Dear Sir or Madam,
On 17 September, Graham Badman via a DCSF email made a further call for evidence to Local Authorities regarding the Review/Report into Elective Home
I am requesting East Riding of Yorkshire's response to that call.
Yours faithfully,
S Tyler
Dear Mr Tyler,
Further to your recent request for access to information please see the
attached letter.
Yours sincerely,
Tracey Tomlinson
Democratic Services Officer
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
01482 393203
(See attached file: 46DC1C49B4A311DE9E4A0019990C5E42.doc)
Dear Mr Tyler,
Please see the attached response in relation to the above request.
Yours sincerely
Jon Whyley
on behalf of Tracey Tomlinson
Freedom of Information Officer
Democratic Services
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Tel: 01482 393203
Email: [email address]
(See attached file: 170C23D2C79311DEB15A0019992C2B7A.doc)
(See attached file: GB Letter.pdf)
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of East Riding of Yorkshire Council's handling of my FOI request 'Further call for HE evidence'.
Given that no other authority has witheld this information under this clause, it is clearly not a viable reason for non-disclosure. In addition, the information is generic and therefore does not enable identification of individuals.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
S Tyler
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please see the attached acknowledgement of the above request.
Yours faithfully
Jon Whyley
Tracey Tomlinson
Freedom of Information Officer
Democratic Services
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Tel: 01482 393203
(See attached file: 80DE2F96C92C11DEB15C0019992C2B7A.doc)

Trevor R Nunn left an annotation ()
For some reason this council has recently started to use a number of dubious excuses to refuse an FOI request. I have just submitted mine to the ICO and it has been accepted. You should also submit a complaint to the ICO as soon as possible. You can do it on line and it is very easy.
Tania Berlow left an annotation ()
Overdue in internal review. It is possible that this lA thinks you are requesting the letter GB sent rather than their response to that letter!
Dear East Riding of Yorkshire Council,
I note that I have not yet received the result of an internal review, which I requested on 2 November and was acknowledged on 4th November.
Please provide this information now as a matter of urgency.
Yours faithfully,
S Tyler

Trevor R Nunn left an annotation ()
Internal review should be competed in a timely fashion and take no longer than 20 days unless the authority has provided a valid reason for the delay. In any event it should take no longer than 40 days from the original FOI request submission. Submit a complaint to the ICO without delay. Use the link below and you can do it on line in minutes. The only evidence you need is a link to this page.
Dear East Riding of Yorkshire Council,
I am still awaiting the Internal Review.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
S Tyler
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your email. I am sorry that you have not yet received a
response and will contant the officers involved.
Kind regards,
Tracey Tomlinson
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
tel: 01482 393203
S Tyler
95934b@whatdothey To
know.com> FOI requests at East Riding of
Yorkshire Council
13/01/2010 21:30 <[East Riding of Yorkshire Council request email]>
Internal review of Freedom of
Information request - Further call
for HE evidence
Dear East Riding of Yorkshire Council,
I am still awaiting the Internal Review.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is
available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
S Tyler
Dear Mr Tyler,
Please find a response in relation to your Freedom of Information Act
review request.
Yours sincerely
Helena Coates
Democratic Services Manager
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
County Hall
HU17 9BA
(01482) 393210
(See attached file: tyler.doc)(See attached file: FOI Final Supp Data .xls)

Trevor R Nunn left an annotation ()
This council should be ashamed of themselves for they way they have handled this FOI request. Months of unnecessary delay is totally unacceptable and inexcusable.
We work to defend the right to FOI for everyone
Help us protect your right to hold public authorities to account. Donate and support our work.
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Tania Berlow left an annotation ()
Lord Lucas said he can 'deal' with any LA that is refusing.x