
North Dorset District Council did not have the information requested.

Dear North Dorset District Council,

Can you please tell me;

How many council funded funerals took place in the last financial year, 2014/15?

Do you know how many of those had no family present?

Do you know how many of those had no friends present?

Do you know how many of those had no one but staff present?

How many council funded funerals took place in the financial year 2009/010?

Do you know how many of those had no family present?

Do you know how many of those had no friends present?

Do you know how many of those had no one but staff present?

How many council funded funerals took place in the financial year 2004/05?

Do you know how many of those had no family present?

Do you know how many of those had no friends present?

Do you know how many of those had no one but staff present?

Many regards,


Yours faithfully,

Kim Michaels

FOI Officer, North Dorset District Council


We acknowledge receipt of your request for information.

This will now be passed to the relevant area (s) of the authority and a
response sent within 20 working days.

If for any reason we cannot respond in full within 20 days, we will let
you know.


Thank you.


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FOI Officer, North Dorset District Council

Good afternoon, thank you for your request.

Please note that this council does not receive or hold information relating to “people dying with no next of kin being known at the time of death”, the information provided therefore only relates in cases where the council has exercised functions under s.46 of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act.

The information you have requested can be found at


FOI Officer
Dorset Councils Partnership serving:
North Dorset District Council, West Dorset District Council and Weymouth & Portland Borough Council
Email: [email address]
Tel: 01258 454111

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