
The request was successful.

Dear Gosport Borough Council,

Can you please tell me;

How many council funded funerals took place in the last financial year, 2014/15?

Do you know how many of those had no family present?

Do you know how many of those had no friends present?

Do you know how many of those had no one but staff present?

How many council funded funerals took place in the financial year 2009/010?

Do you know how many of those had no family present?

Do you know how many of those had no friends present?

Do you know how many of those had no one but staff present?

How many council funded funerals took place in the financial year 2004/05?

Do you know how many of those had no family present?

Do you know how many of those had no friends present?

Do you know how many of those had no one but staff present?

Many regards,


Kim Michaels

Bassett, Jane, Gosport Borough Council

Dear Kim Michaels


Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information



Thank you for your information request dated 9^th November 2015.  The
information you have requested is exempt from disclosure under section 21
of the Freedom of Information Act as it is already accessible to the
public by other means. The details of how to obtain it are given below.


Description Electronic Link/Other Comments
Public [1]


Where the documents are available electronically and you do not have
internet access, you may either use the facilities at your local library
or at the Council offices reception.  However, if this is not convenient
to you, please contact me again and I will supply a copy of the
information. There may be a charge for providing this copy.


If you are not content with the outcome of your request, you have the
right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision.
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:  Information
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9
5AF; or telephone: 08456 30 60 60 or 01625 54 57 45; or at
[2]  There is no charge for making an appeal. The Council
does not provide an internal review or complaints procedure relating to
the handling of requests for information.


Yours sincerely


Jane Bassett

Freedom of Information Co-ordinator

Community and Customer Services

Gosport Borough Council

02392 545 303




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