Funding for IAPT services
Dear NHS Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group,
Please could you give me the figures for the last five years for IAPT providers?
In particular, can you give me the totals for the budget for Outlook South West and BeMe? And how many hours of therapy they provided per year.
Please could you also give me the new budget for Outlook South West for 2017 now that BeMe has been decommissioned. And how many hours of therapy are they now expected to provide in their contract?
Finally, please can you provide details of the mental health services that have been cut in 2016/2017.
Yours faithfully,
Emily Apple
Dear Ms Apple
You contacted NHS Kernow to request information under the Freedom of
Information Act.
We acknowledge your request as being received on 8 March 2017 and are due
to respond by 5 April 2017.
Kind regards
Leanne Baker
Freedom of Information Officer
NHS Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group
Sedgemoor Centre, St Austell
Telephone: 01726 627800 | E-mail: [1][Kernow CCG request email]
[2] | [3] | [4]@nhskernow
Dear Ms Apple
We are currently reviewing your FOI request, please can you provide
clarification on the following:
1. Please could you give me the figures for the last five years for
IAPT providers?
Please confirm the definition of the figures you are looking for.
4. Finally, please can you provide details of the mental health
services that have been cut in 2016/2017.
Please confirm your definition of ‘cut’. Are you referring to services
that have been decommissioned?
Many thanks in advance.
Leanne Baker
Freedom of Information Officer
NHS Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group
Sedgemoor Centre, St Austell
Telephone: 01726 627735 | E-mail: [1][Kernow CCG request email]
[2] | [3] | [4]@nhskernow
The figures I am asking for are the budgets given by the KCCG to IAPT providers. The total amount of money spent on services and the number of hours of therapy this money was supposed to pay for.
Secondly, I did indeed mean the services that have been decommissioned.
Yours sincerely,
Emily Apple
Dear Ms Apple
You e-mailed Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on 8 March 2017
under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Your questions and our reply
are attached.
Please tell us what you think of the service we've given you by completing
this short survey [1] It should
only take a few moments but will really help us ensure we are dealing with
requests effectively.
Yours sincerely
Leanne Baker
Freedom of Information Officer
NHS Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group
Sedgemoor Centre, St Austell
Telephone: 01726 627800 | E-mail: [2][Kernow CCG request email]
[3] | [4] | [5]@nhskernow
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