Seacole Building
4th Floor
2 Marsham Street
T: 03459 33 55 77
AI Clayton
Our ref: FOI2024/06098
By emai
l: 15 March 2024
Dear AI Clayton,
REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: Funding, expenditure, food issues & other matters
Thank you for your request for information of 15 March 2024 about funding, expenditure,
food issues and other matters. We have handled your request under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
Your information request and our response are set out below.
1. the funding DEFRA receive and from what sources,
details of all DEFRA spending since Jan 2020, with a full breakdown of such,
details of the respective percentages of expenditure spent directly on assuring food
sovereignty for U.K.
The information you have requested in parts 1 to 3 is publicly available via the following
link: As the information is reasonably accessible to you by other means, section 21 of the FOIA
exempts Defra from providing a copy of the information with this response to your request.
4. details of the research has DEFRA has independently conducted to ensure the
safety of consumption for humans on food that has received mRNA technology
details of how mRNA technology is being deployed within U.K. agriculture,
6. details of the degree to which mRNA technology deployment has already been
rolled out in relation to U.K. agriculture,
the geographical location of any trials being conducted in the U.K. relating to mRNA
in respect of livestock,
the geographical location of any trials involving mRNA technology which are being
conducted in relation to plants/crops,
details of who is ultimately responsible for mRNA technology being, or to be, used
in agriculture in the U.K.
The information in relation to parts 4 to 9 is not held by Defra.
We attach an annex giving contact details should you be unhappy with the service you
have received.
If you have any queries about this letter please contact me.
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Team
If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request you may
make a complaint or appeal against our decision under section 17(7) of the FOIA or under
regulation 11 of the EIRs, as applicable, within 40 working days of the date of this letter.
Please write to Andrew Mobsby, Head of Information Rights via email at and he will arrange for an internal review of your case.
Details of Defra’s complaints procedure are on our website.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, section 50 of the FOIA and
regulation 18 of the EIRs gives you the right to apply directly to the Information
Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for a decision. Please note that generally the ICO cannot
make a decision unless you have first exhausted Defra’s own complaints procedure.
The ICO can be contacted using the following link: