We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jessica NM please sign in and let everyone know.

Funding and Partnerships with Chinese and Hong Kong Entities

We're waiting for Jessica NM to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear King's College London,

Could you please provide the details of accepted donations, gifts, grants and research funding (worth over £5,000) to your University from Chinese and Hong Kong entities.

Alongside this, please provide the total percentage of income provided by Chinese and Hong Kong entities. Please provide one percentage including Chinese and Hong Kong international student fees, and another excluding such.

Please provide this information for the financial years of 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and information available for the current year (2022-2023).

For each donation/gift/funding, I would like to know the following information:
- Specify the country
- Specify the name of the individual or the ultimate beneficial owner of the corporation/charity/trust/foundation/organisation
- The date your institution accepted the money
- The total sum (breakdown if applicable) and description of the accepted money
- A description of the purpose of the donation and what it will be used for. E.g. the department or project benefiting from the funding.

Defining Chinese and Hong Kong entities:
*For individuals this includes those with citizenship in either country.
*For corporations/companies with a HQ and/or has been founded in either country.
*For charities/trusts/foundations please include a) grant-giving trusts registered in China/Hong Kong b) grant-giving government affiliated bodies registered in China/Hong Kong.
*Any other organisation from each country to consider to be relevant, e.g. including education-based organisations

I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,

Jessica Ní Mhainín

Information Compliance, King's College London

Thank you for your email.  

Please note, if you are sending an automated request for personal data
erasure via a third-party, before we can proceed with your request we
require a copy of your ID, scanned copy of a driving licence/passport.

If your enquiry is related to a current application to study at King's
please contact the relevant admissions team directly:


For all other enquiries relating to requests made under the Freedom of
Information Act (2000), the Environmental Information Regulations (2004),
or the Data Protection Act and UK GDPR (2018) a member of the Information
Compliance team will be in touch separately with official acknowledgement
of your request.

Kind regards,

Information Compliance


Visible links
1. https://www.kcl.ac.uk/aboutkings/orgstru...

Information Compliance, King's College London

Dear Jessica Ní Mhainín,

Thank you for your email. We will treat your request for information as a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, received by the university on 4th March 2023. We will endeavour to respond to your request within the statutory 20 working day time frame.

Please note that the university has adopted the Model Publication Scheme and also publishes FOI responses on our Disclosure Log. The Fees Regulations state that requests received within 60 consecutive working days can be aggregated.

Kind Regards,

Lakeisha Dowsey-Magog (she/her)
Information Compliance Officer
Department of Business Assurance
King’s College London
Room: SW1.09
Somerset House East Wing
Strand Campus

show quoted sections

Information Compliance, King's College London

Dear Jessica Ní Mhainín,

Further to your request for information dated 4th March 2023, please can you clarify the following part of your request:

"Alongside this, please provide the total percentage of income provided by Chinese and Hong Kong entities. Please provide one percentage including Chinese and Hong Kong international student fees, and another excluding such."

1. Would you like us to provide the total % of income for 20/21, 21/22 and 22/23 to date where a tuition fee was invoiced to a student with Chinese or Hong Kong citizenship? If so, we are unable to do this as we do not record the citizenship of fee payers only their country of domicile. This can be done using the country of domicile.

2. Please explain what you mean by "excluding such".

Your request has been put on hold until we hear from you. Once we receive clarification, the university will respond to your request as soon as possible.

Kind Regards,

Lakeisha Dowsey-Magog (she/her)
Information Compliance Officer
Department of Business Assurance
King’s College London
Room: SW1.09
Somerset House East Wing
Strand Campus

show quoted sections

Information Compliance, King's College London

Dear Jessica Ní Mhainín,

Upon further discussions with the Finance department, please disregard the email sent on the 29th March 2023 and please see our revised clarification request below:

Please can you advise if in the Tuition Fee related part of the FOI you are requesting just two % figures per academic year, for example:
1) what is the % of tuition income from students domiciled in China & Hong Kong
2) what is the % income from all other students

If this is the case, then would you like the % figure to include just where the invoice has been raised in the student's name. Or, do you want a separate figure for invoices to students (in China / Hong Kong) and another for invoices to external sponsors (in China / Hong Kong).

Or is there further information being asked and we are misinterpreting?

Your request has been put on hold until we hear from you. Once we receive clarification, the university will respond to your request as soon as possible.

Kind Regards,

Lakeisha Dowsey-Magog (she/her)
Information Compliance Officer
Department of Business Assurance
King’s College London
Room: SW1.09
Somerset House East Wing
Strand Campus

show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jessica NM please sign in and let everyone know.