Requests similar to 'Funding and grants available to small businesses in the UK'

FOI request: Water complaints
Response by Stratford on Avon District Council to Naomi on .

Information not held

Processing Freedom of Information Request Freedom of Information #24762 Dear Naomi, We have started processing your Freedom of Information request....
FOI Compilation and Alteration of Lists
Response by Stratford on Avon District Council to Richard roberts on .

Awaiting classification

Freedom of Information Response #21574 Dear Richard Roberts Due to the nature of the data we have to supply under this regulation to the valuation...
Processing Freedom of Information Request Freedom of Information #24581 Dear Helen Hoddinott, We have started processing your Freedom of Informatio...
Sports Provision
Response by Stratford on Avon District Council to Thomas Hambledon on .


Processing Freedom of Information Request Freedom of Information #24141 Dear Thomas Hambledon , We have started processing your Freedom of Informat...
FOI Response #14240 FOI #14240 Dear Naomi Aharony Further to your request we do not deal with this service area. You may want to redirect your enq...
FOI Response #13588 FOI #13588 Dear Naomi In response to your recent request, the following responses are provided on behalf of Stratford-on-Avon...
Corporate Estate Managing Maintenance
Response by Stratford on Avon District Council to Nicola Pomroy on .

Awaiting classification

Freedom of Information Response #23933 Dear Nicola Pomroy Further to your request, please see the following response: Q1 SDC has very few contra...
Environmental Information Regulations Response #23309 Dear Hannah Jewell Further to your request, please see the following response: a. The Counc...
FOI Request 25/07/2022 Housing
Response by Stratford on Avon District Council to Alessandra Berti on .

Partially successful

Freedom of Information Response #22845 Dear Alessandra Berti Further to your request, please see our response below: Q. 1. i.) Please state the l...
Freedom of Information Response #20737 Dear Richard Roberts Further to your request, following the decision of the first -tier Tribunal (General R...
Processing Freedom of Information Request Freedom of Information #25087 Dear Gavin Chait, We have started processing your Freedom of Information re...
Thank you for your enquiry, please accept this as auto acknowledgement of your email. Our offices will be closed from 2pm on 22 December until 8.45a...
Telephony and storage
Response by Stratford on Avon District Council to Philip Mansfield on .

Awaiting classification

Processing Freedom of Information Request Freedom of Information #24859 Dear Philip Mansfield, We have started processing your Freedom of Informati...
Survey Tools

Awaiting classification

Processing Freedom of Information Request Freedom of Information #25095 Dear David Campbell , We have started processing your Freedom of Informatio...
Freedom of Information Response #25145 Dear Monika Nielsen Further to your request, Please see the following response: 1. The names of all bankin...
Contact Centre, CRM, and AI & Automation.
Response by Stratford on Avon District Council to Philip Mansfield on .

Awaiting classification

Processing Freedom of Information Request Freedom of Information #24854 Dear Philip Mansfield, We have started processing your Freedom of Informati...
Freedom of Information Response #24319 Dear Josef Wasinski Further to your request, please see the following response: The Council completed a la...
Void/empty properties and homeless figures
Response by Stratford on Avon District Council to Kwajo Tweneboa on .

Awaiting classification

Processing Freedom of Information Request Freedom of Information #24800 Dear Kwajo Tweneboa , We have started processing your Freedom of Informatio...
Food Waste Statistics
Response by Stratford on Avon District Council to Fraser Knight on .

Awaiting classification

Freedom of Information Response #25307 Dear Arya Jyothi Further to your request, please find the response below. 2019: No data 2020: No data 20...
Freedom of Information Response #25334 Dear William Darbyshire Further to your request, please find the response below. 2022 • October: 29 • No...
Driving offences per local authority
Response by Stratford on Avon District Council to Jade Tilbury on .

Awaiting classification

Processing Freedom of Information Request Freedom of Information #25245 Dear Jade Tilbury, We have started processing your Freedom of Information r...
Illegal sublets by council tenants
Response by Stratford on Avon District Council to Jacob Paul on .

Awaiting classification

Processing Freedom of Information Request Freedom of Information #24834 Dear Jacob Paul, We have started processing your Freedom of Information req...
Completion Notice FOI
Response by Stratford on Avon District Council to Richard roberts on .

Awaiting classification

Processing Freedom of Information Request Freedom of Information #24374 Dear Richard Roberts, We have started processing your Freedom of Informatio...
Guidance to New Councillors
Response by Stratford on Avon District Council to Maddie Cross on .

Awaiting classification

Processing Freedom of Information Request Freedom of Information #24476 Dear Maddie Cross, We have started processing your Freedom of Information r...
Allocation of social housing
Response by Stratford on Avon District Council to Rob Bates on .

Awaiting classification

Processing Freedom of Information Request Freedom of Information #24390 Dear Rob Bates, We have started processing your Freedom of Information requ...