Dear Northern Ireland Housing Executive,
How much funding has been provided to agencies under the supporting people programme since 2003.
Please provide total for each year
Yours faithfully,
Aidan Hanna
Dear Mr. Hanna,
Please find attached acknowledgement of your FOI request.
Many thanks
Alisha Montgomery
on behalf of Colm McQuillan
Director of Corporate Services (A)
DD: 028 9031 8725
Ext. 2725
*********************** IMPORTANT MESSAGE
Mr Hanna,
Further to your FoI request detailed below, I would appreciate if you
clarify as follows:
a) Can you confirm what you mean by the term agencies? SP currently
provides payments to a range of approximately 100 providers.
b) Can you clarify whether you require the overall outturn for each
year, funding by provider or by scheme?
Many thanks
Alisha Montgomery
on behalf of Colm McQuillan
Director of Corporate Services (A)
DD: 028 9031 8725
Ext. 2725
*********************** IMPORTANT MESSAGE
Dear Montgomery, Alisha,
I should have used the term provider ie care provider
I would like funding by scheme please with provider in scheme named.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Northern Ireland Housing Executive,
This request is now over due
Yours faithfully,
Dear Mr. Hanna
Thank you for your email. On 10th September the Housing Executive
sought clarification from you regarding your Freedom of Information
request. As per the ICO guidance, please see link below. The 20
working day deadline for response begins when the Housing Executive
receives your clarification.
Margaret Gibson
Assistant Access to Information Manager
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Housing Centre
2 Adelaide Street
Dear Mr. Hanna
Please see attached response to your FOI request.
Margaret Gibson
Assistant Access to Information Manager
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Housing Centre
2 Adelaide Street
*********************** IMPORTANT MESSAGE
Dear Gibson, Margaret,
Could I please request 2 further pieces of information.
Could you please provide the NIHE policy or programme for the supporting people scheme.
Where does the funding go to directly and what it is to be used for?
Yours sincerely,
Mr Hanna
Further to your recent telephone enquiry I would confirm that the
information forwarded was provided in accordance with your request i.e.
funding by scheme.
Kind regards
Susan Kyle
On behalf of Brian O’Kane
Dear Kyle, Susan,
Thank you.
Does that mean there is no overall yearly total available?
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr. Hanna
Regarding your request for further information please see links below.
Margaret Gibson
Assistant Access to Information Manager
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Housing Centre
2 Adelaide Street
Dear Gibson, Margaret,
these links do not address my freedom of information requests
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr. Hanna
Your request for this information was dealt with under normal business
not FOI. If you are unhappy with the information provided, please send
a new FOI request detailing exactly what information you wish to receive
to [Northern Ireland Housing Executive request email]
Margaret Gibson
Assistant Access to Information Manager
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Housing Centre
2 Adelaide Street
Dear Gibson, Margaret,
I was looking a yearly total funding
That is the only outstanding information I require
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr. Hanna
Thank you for your email. An answer to your FOI request was sent on 30th
September 2013. You subsequently contacted the NIHE regarding this
matter and a member of staff replied my email on 2nd October 2013. I
have nothing further to add to my colleagues email.
Margaret Gibson
Assistant Access to Information Manager
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Housing Centre
2 Adelaide Street
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