Full copies of your Health and Work Conversation procedures and guidance documents
Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
Please provide a copy of the full documents you hold that contain the following subject matters:
"RFI1: Legislation prescribing powers to the Secretary of State to require a claimant at the
HWC or other WFI to discuss their health and set health related goals does not exist. The
HWC is claimant led so claimants can decide whether they want to discuss their health or set a health related goal.
RFI2: The HWC will be tailored to meet the needs of the individual and allows for an open
and honest conversation regarding issues affecting claimants. If claimants do not wish to
discuss their health condition then the work coach will tailor the discussion based on what the claimant is comfortable sharing. It is not the role of the work coach to give any health advice during the conversation but they can signpost or refer the claimant to a partner organisation, with their agreement, should that be appropriate."
“The Health and Work Conversation is claimant led, if a claimant feels uncomfortable answering some questions in the Health and Work Conversation they will not be referred for a sanction. However, if they refuse to engage at all in the HWC then they may be referred for a sanction. The Employment and Support Allowance Regulations 2008 (SI 2008/794) contain the provisions which enable the Department to apply a sanction”
The FOI responses linked to above contain comments and opinion relating to the information requested and appear to be new information created purely to answer the requests, my new request is for procedure, guidance and policy documents for work coaches and decisions makers on The Health and Work Conversation.
Yours faithfully,
Frank Zola
This is an automated confirmation that your request for information has
been accepted by the DWP FoI mailbox.
By the next working day your request will be forwarded to the relevant
information owner within the Department who will respond to you direct.
If your email is a Freedom of Information request you can normally
expect a response within 20 working days.
Should you have any further queries in connection with this request do
please contact us.
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please click on the link below.
Visible links
1. http://www.dwp.gov.uk/freedom-of-informa...
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.
You can expect a reply by 23 May 2017 unless I need to come back to you to clarify your request or the balance of the public interest test needs to be considered.
If you have any queries about this letter please contact me quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
DWP Strategy FoI Team
Your right to complain under the Freedom of Information Act
If you are not happy with this response you may request an internal review by e-mailing [DWP request email] or by writing to DWP, Central FoI Team,
Caxton House, Tothill Street, SW1H 9NA. Any review request should be submitted within two months of the date of this letter. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office for a decision. Generally the Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted our own complaints procedure. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF
www.ico.org.uk/Global/contact_us or telephone 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545745
Please see the attached reply to your Freedom of Information request.
Yours sincerely
DWP Strategy FoI Team
Dear DWP Strategy Freedom of Information,
" in order to comply with section 16 of the FOI Act and to bring your request within the
appropriate cost limit you may wish to limit your request. We suggest that you might do this by
restricting the documents requested."
At your request below is my new restricted request, all of the information being mentioned below is discussed on page 9 of the DWP presentation slides for your Operational Stakeholder Engagement Forum - ESA Health and Work Conversation and Claimant Commitment - 6 March 2017
Please email me details of the content included in the work coach "training package comprising on-line pre-training". If not too expensive please email all of the "on-line pre-training" information.
The information given to work coaches before and during the one day’s face to face training with BIT-trained Learning Delivery Officers.
A summary of past, current and future BIT training for Learning Delivery Officers.
If possible the short video developed to support HWC training, that includes feedback, good news stories and “hints and tips” from work coaches who are already delivering the HWC in our test and learn sites. You
can use your online social media channels to upload videos to and I will be happy for video disclosure made this way.
As well as the operational instructions available to staff supporting staff delivering the HWC.
Yours sincerely,
Frank Zola
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.
You can expect a reply by 26 June 2017 unless I need to come back to you to clarify your request or the balance of the public interest test needs to be considered.
If you have any queries about this letter please contact me quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
DWP Strategy FoI Team
Your right to complain under the Freedom of Information Act
If you are not happy with this response you may request an internal review by e-mailing [DWP request email] or by writing to DWP, Central FoI Team,
Caxton House, Tothill Street, SW1H 9NA. Any review request should be submitted within two months of the date of this letter. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office for a decision. Generally the Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted our own complaints procedure. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF
www.ico.org.uk/Global/contact_us or telephone 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545745
Dear DWP Strategy Freedom of Information,
You did not reply to my follow up information request sent 28th May 2017, I therefore require an internal review be undertaken.
Copy of my 28 May 2017 request:
Dear DWP Strategy Freedom of Information,
" in order to comply with section 16 of the FOI Act and to bring your request within the
appropriate cost limit you may wish to limit your request. We suggest that you might do this by
restricting the documents requested."
At your request below is my new restricted request, all of the information being mentioned below is discussed on page 9 of the DWP presentation slides for your Operational Stakeholder Engagement Forum - https://www.rightsnet.org.uk/?ACT=39&...
Please email me details of the content included in the work coach "training package comprising on-line pre-training". If not too expensive please email all of the "on-line pre-training" information.
The information given to work coaches before and during the one day’s face to face training with BIT-trained Learning Delivery Officers.
A summary of past, current and future BIT training for Learning Delivery Officers.
If possible the short video developed to support HWC training, that includes feedback, good news stories and “hints and tips” from work coaches who are already delivering the HWC in our test and learn sites. You
can use your online social media channels to upload videos to and I will be happy for video disclosure made this way.
As well as the operational instructions available to staff supporting staff delivering the HWC.
Yours sincerely,
Frank Zola
Please see the attached reply to your Freedom of Information request
Further attachments to follow
Yours sincerely
DWP Strategy Freedom of Information Team
Please see the further attachments to your Freedom of Information request
Yours sincerely
DWP Strategy Freedom of Information Team
J Roberts left an annotation ()
I see there is a lot of learning about "mindsets". These come in two varieties - "fixed" and "growth". Here is an example of each:
'People with a fixed mindset avoid challenges, and may give up easily when faced with obstacles - e.g. “I’m a failure.” “I’m an idiot, there’s no point in trying.” “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” ' But people with a growth mindset: 'embrace challenges, and persist
in the face of obstacles'.
The word 'yet' is likely to be heard a lot more in Jobcentres:
'Encouraging a growth mindset
One of the easiest ways to do this is just by using one particular word: “yet”. “Yet” implies that something is achievable in the future, and it puts a person in charge of working towards their goals. When someone has a fixed mindset about something, you can respond to them and use “yet” to indicate their potential for change.'
And it's all supported by science:
'Brain cells (neurons) make new connections with each other when we learn. The better we get at something, the stronger the connections get.
'The yellow blobs show the areas in the brain that had a lot of new
connections after a person had spent 3 months learning how to juggle.'
Please see the attached reply to your Internal Review request
Yours sincerely
DWP Strategy Freedom of Information Team
J Roberts left an annotation ()
Alcoholics Anonymous have a 12 steps programme. The DWP have cut it down to 4 with this example (page 27):
My 4 steps
WANT - Cut down amount of alcohol I drink.
OUTCOME – Feel healthier and good about myself.
OBSTACLE – I feel pressured to order alcohol.
PLAN - I will order a lemonade instead.
Dear DWP Strategy Freedom of Information,
All of the documents below and disclosed earlier appear to version 3.0. (three) Please disclose all past different versions for each of the documents below. Like 1,2, 3 0.01, 1.0, 2.0 01.01 01.02 01.03 or what ever numbering system you used for each past different version.
Dictionary definition of word "version"
"a particular form of something that is slightly different from other forms of the same thing"
01 HWC training Introductions v3.0.pdf
02 HWC training About Me v3.0.pdf
03 HWC training My Values v3.0.pdf
04 HWC training My 4 Steps v3.0.pdf
05 HWC training Action Plan v3.0.pdf
HO 01.01 HWC Claimant Booklet v3.0.pdf
HO 01.02 HWC work coach booklet v3.0.pdf
HWC Frequently Asked Questions v3.0
Yours sincerely,
Frank Zola
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.
You can expect a reply by 11th September 2017 unless I need to come back to you to clarify your request or the balance of the public interest test needs to be considered.
If you have any queries about this letter please contact me quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
DWP Strategy FoI Team
Your right to complain under the Freedom of Information Act
If you are not happy with this response you may request an internal review by e-mailing [DWP request email] or by writing to DWP, Central FoI Team,
Caxton House, Tothill Street, SW1H 9NA. Any review request should be submitted within two months of the date of this letter. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office for a decision. Generally the Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted our own complaints procedure. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF
www.ico.org.uk/Global/contact_us or telephone 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545745
Please see the attached reply to your Freedom of Information request
Yours sincerely
DWP Strategy Freedom of Information Team
Dear Mr Zola,
Could you please confirm that you have received both emails for your
Freedom of Information request 3386?
Many thanks,
Kind regards,
DWP Strategy Freedom of Information Team
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J Roberts left an annotation ()
If you spot a claimant in a Jobcentre breathing heavily, don't worry. It's just the latest guidance:
"Before the claimant completes this section, try to make the claimant feel calm and comfortable (even in the middle of a busy Jobcentre). You can ask the claimant to take a deep breath, or remind them that this time is about thinking about the things they care about."