Frequency count of responses to the Review of Elective Home Education
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please could you give me the number of yes, no and not sure answers to each of the six questions of the public questionnaire of the 2009 Review of Elective Home Education.
Yours faithfully,
M Stafford
Dear M Stafford
Thank you for your recent email. A reply will be sent to you as soon as
possible. For information, the departmental standard for correspondence
received is that responses should be sent within 20 working days as you
are requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Your correspondence has been allocated the reference number
Thank you.
Central Allocation Team
Public Communications Team
Tel: 0870 0002288
Dear Mr/Ms Stafford,
Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 20 July.
You requested -
Please could you give me the number of yes, no and not sure answers
to each of the six questions of the public questionnaire of the
2009 Review of Elective Home Education.
I have dealt with your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I have attached a summary of the public questionnaire responses which
contains the information you have requested.
The information supplied to you is protected by the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act 1988. Any documents produced by government officials will be
covered by Crown Copyright. You are free to use the information for your
own purposes, including any non-commercial research you are doing and for
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regulated by the Reuse of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005. You
can find details on the arrangements for re-using Crown Copyright at:
Office of Public Sector Information
Information Policy Team
Email: [1][email address]
If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
If you are unhappy with the way your request has been handled, you should
make a complaint to the Department by writing to me within two calendar
months of the date of this letter. Your complaint will be considered by
an independent review panel, who were not involved in the original
consideration of your request.
If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint to the
Department, you may then contact the Information Commissioner's Office.
Yours sincerely,
Josephine Bell
Independent Schools Partnerships and Strategy Team
[email address]
Your correspondence has been allocated the reference number 2009/0065106.
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Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you very much for this information. It shows the breathtaking extent to which the evidence and opinion collected by the review process has been ignored in order to deliver a shopping list of unecessary, expensive and intrusive outcomes to suit a few ineffective LAs that cannot or will not understand the law.
Yours faithfully,
M Stafford
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HelenJohnson left an annotation ()
I am astounded by how much comprehensively sifted and analysed material was then totally disregarded in the outcomes submitted to the government.