Freedom of Information Request: Volume of Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs)
Dear Stirling Council,
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please provide the following details:
The total number of Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) received by your authority for each of the last three years (2021, 2022, and 2023).
The number of DSARs completed within the statutory one-month timeframe during each year.
The number of DSARs that required an extension beyond the one-month timeframe, along with the average length of extensions granted.
Any recorded costs (e.g., staff time, software, or other resources) associated with processing DSARs for each of these years.
If possible, please provide this information in a tabular format.
If the cost of fulfilling this request exceeds the statutory limit, I would be grateful if you could provide advice and assistance to refine the request.
Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to your response.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Jason,
Your request for information has been logged as FOI/202402046.
Section 8(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 requires
a request to contain a name and address for correspondence, in order to be
a valid request.
Unfortunately, we cannot see the full name of the person making this
request in the text of your request.
For further information, please see the Commissioner’s guidance on the
name of the requester or applicant: [1]How do I ask for information? |
Scottish Information Commissioner (
I would therefore ask if you could please confirm your full name, so we
can continue to process your request.
On receipt of further details, we will respond to your request within 20
working days, as required under the legislation. Please note that the
statutory 20 working day deadline for responding to your request will not
start until clarification has been received.
If we do not hear from you within 40 working days, we will assume that you
are no longer seeking the information you have requested and will take no
further action.
If you wish to discuss further, please get in touch. Please remember to
quote the above reference number in any future communications.
Yours sincerely,
Records & Information Governance Team
Records & Information Governance | Stirling Council | Old Viewforth |
Stirling FK8 2ET
T: 01786 233988 | E: [Stirling Council request email] | W:
This email and any attachments are intended solely for the individual or
organisation to which they are addressed and may be confidential and/or
legally privileged. If you have received this email in error please let us
know at [email address] and then delete it. Please check this email and
any attachments for the presence of viruses as Stirling Council accepts no
liability for any harm caused to the addressees' systems or data. Stirling
Council may monitor its email system. Stirling Council accepts no
liability for personal emails.
[2]Stirling Council
Visible links
Dear Jason Kulczycki,
Your request for information has been logged and allocated reference
Thank you for providing your full name.
Your request will be dealt with under the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA), and if determined appropriate to do so during
the course of your request, also the Environmental Information (Scotland)
Regulations, 2004 (EIRs).
Your request will be forwarded to the service area(s) holding the
information. Please note, the service area(s) holding the information may
need further information from you to locate the information sought once
they have received the request, and you will be contacted again should
this be necessary.
Unless further clarification is required your request will be answered
promptly, and within twenty working days of the date your request was
received – in this case no later than 24 Jan 2025.
Kind Regards
Records & Information Governance Team
Records & Information Governance | Stirling Council | Old Viewforth |
Stirling FK8 2ET
T: 01786 233988 | E: [Stirling Council request email] | W:
This email and any attachments are intended solely for the individual or
organisation to which they are addressed and may be confidential and/or
legally privileged. If you have received this email in error please let us
know at [email address] and then delete it. Please check this email and
any attachments for the presence of viruses as Stirling Council accepts no
liability for any harm caused to the addressees' systems or data. Stirling
Council may monitor its email system. Stirling Council accepts no
liability for personal emails.
[1]Stirling Council
Visible links
Dear Jason Kulczycki,
I refer to your request for information, logged by us as FOI/202402046 and
can provide the following information in response to your request.
The total number of Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) received by your
authority for each of the last three years (2021, 2022, and 2023).
2021 2022 2023
133 194 231
The number of DSARs completed within the statutory one-month timeframe
during each year.
In terms of Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
we provide notice that we do not hold any information in relation to your
Under Section 15 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act, 2002, we
have a duty to provide assistance and advise we do not record those
requests answered on time within the one month and those answered on time
within the extended three-month period separately. Therefore the following
figures represent all SARs answered on time:
2021 2022 2023
93 128 188
The number of DSARs that required an extension beyond the one-month
timeframe, along with the average length of extensions granted.
2021 2022 2023
30 20 28
All SARs are extended by 2 further months, therefore the average extension
granted is two calendar months.
Any recorded costs (e.g., staff time, software, or other resources)
associated with processing DSARs for each of these years.
We do not record costs associated with answering SARs, therefore under
Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, I provide
notice we do not hold this information.
If you are dissatisfied with the way in which your request for information
has been dealt with you are entitled to request a review of the actions
and decisions made by the Council in relation to your request. Your
request for review must be in writing or some other permanent form stating
your name and address for correspondence, and specifying the request for
information to which your request for review relates and why you are
dissatisfied with the response.
You must make your request for review not later than 40 working days after
the expiry of the 20 working day period of response to your initial
request by the Council or not later than 40 working days after the receipt
by you of the information provided, any fees notice issued or any
notification of refusal or partial refusal.
Your request for review should be addressed in the first instance to:
Records & Information Governance Manager, Stirling Council, Viewforth,
STIRLING FK8 2ET email [1][Stirling Council request email]
The Records & Information Governance Manager will then arrange for an
appropriate officer to undertake a review.
Please note that in any email you must state your name.
If you are dissatisfied with how your request for a review has been dealt
with, then you are entitled to ask the Scottish Information Commissioner
to investigate your case. You must ask the Scottish Information
Commissioner no later than 6 months after the date of receipt by you of
the notice or decision you are dissatisfied with or within 6 months of the
expiry of the period of 20 working days from receipt by the Council of
your request for review.
For information about making an appeal to the Scottish Information
Commissioner, see:
If you do not have access to the internet, you can contact the Scottish
Information Commissioner at Kinburn Castle, Doubledykes Road, St Andrews,
Fife KY16 9DS, Tel: 01334 464610 Email: [3][email address]
You also have the subsequent right of appeal to the Court of Session, on a
point of law only, if dissatisfied with a decision issued by the
Commissioner. Any such appeal must be made within 42 days of the date of
intimation of the Commissioner's decision notice.
Kind regards,
Records & Information Governance Team
Records & Information Governance | Stirling Council | Old Viewforth |
Stirling FK8 2ET
T: 01786 233988 | E: [4][email address] | W:
This email and any attachments are intended solely for the individual or
organisation to which they are addressed and may be confidential and/or
legally privileged. If you have received this email in error please let us
know at [email address] and then delete it. Please check this email and
any attachments for the presence of viruses as Stirling Council accepts no
liability for any harm caused to the addressees' systems or data. Stirling
Council may monitor its email system. Stirling Council accepts no
liability for personal emails.
[5]Stirling Council
Visible links
1. mailto:[stirling%20council%20request%20email]
3. mailto:[email%20address]
4. mailto:[email%20address]
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