Freedom of information request to Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust - Spend files Feb 2019, Apr 2022, May 2022
Dear Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust,
I am doing some research and have noticed that your spend data file for Feb 2019, Apr 2022, May 2022 have dead links/file corrupted.
Please can you send me a CSV file with the correct data.
Yours faithfully,
Ho Fung Cheung
Dear Ho Fung Cheung,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request REF: FOI-2223-SG12755
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which we received via email on 24 January 2023. We are processing your request and will respond to you shortly.
In the meantime, please find attached our leaflet offering guidance on our procedure for managing requests for information in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
If you have any queries, please respond to this email quoting the above REF number.
Yours sincerely,
Data Privacy Team
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust.
Dear Ho Fung Cheung,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request REF: FOI-2223-SG12755
Further to your request for information request received via email on 24 January 2023. I am writing to you to seek clarification in order to retrieve the information requested.
Please could you confirm if you would like to receive the spend information spreadsheets you cannot access on the website attached to your response?
If you have any queries, please respond to this email quoting the above REF number.
Yours sincerely,
Data Privacy Team
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust.
Dear Ho Fung Cheung,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request REF: FOI-2223-SG12755
Further to your request for information request received via email on 24 January 2023. I am writing to you to seek clarification in order to retrieve the information requested.
Please could you confirm if you would like to receive the spend information spreadsheets you cannot access on the website attached to your response? Please respond by 2 February 2023 in order we can provide the information in a timely manner.
If you have any queries, please respond to this email quoting the above REF number.
Yours sincerely,
Data Privacy Team
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust.
Dear Ho Fung Cheung,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request REF: FOI-2223-SG12755
Further to your request for information request received via email on 24 January 2023 and clarified on 1 February 2023. Please find attached our response.
If you have any queries, please respond to this email quoting the above REF number.
Yours sincerely,
Data Privacy Team
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust.
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