Freedom of Information request - prescribing of antibiotics
Dear Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group,
We are currently researching the change in GP prescribing behaviour in urinary tract infections.
Please can you provide us with the following information:
Do you have a formulary used by primary care prescribers? If so, what is the current status of nitrofurantoin and trimethoprim with respect to urinary tract infections (e.g. first line, second line, etc)
Has the status of either nitrofurantoin or trimethoprim changed in the formulary since November 2014? If so, can you please provide the previous status(es) and details of the date(s) of change.
Have you had any work plans in place with respect to nitrofurantoin and trimethoprim prescribing since 2014? If so, can you please provide documents and start date.
Have you had any GP prescribing incentive schemes or similar which relate to trimethoprim or nitrofurantoin prescribing since November 2014? If so, can you please provide the documents.
Yours faithfully,
Ben Goldacre and Richard Croker
Dear Emma-Jane
Thank you for your recent request for information. This request was received by NHS Bassetlaw CCG on the 7th November 2017; we will respond to you no later than the 5th December 2017 (20 working days).
Kind Regards
Sarah Beard
Assurance & Engagement Officer
NHS Bassetlaw CCG
Retford Hospital
North Road
DN22 7XF
01777 863308
Dear Emma
Thank you for your recent request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act.
The current formulary and previous versions to 2013 are attached for your
Nitrofurantoin & Trimethoprim added to Bassetlaw CCG Primary Care
Resilience and Prevention Scheme for 2017-18. Not included in any scheme
before this.
Nitrofurantoin and trimethoprim included as part of an action relating to
antibiotics. This reflects previous and current NHS England Quality
Premium Indicators relating to antibiotic prescribing. Specific details
of this element of the scheme for 2017/18 as follows:
ANTIBIOTIC Prescribing = Total reward £0.33pp
• Reduction by 5% in overall volume of antibiotic prescribing
or reach/maintain below the CCG practice average for 16/17**.
• Antibiotics linked to C-Diff should not exceed 7% of total
antibiotic prescribing.
• The proportion of Trimethoprim:Nitrofurantoin must not be
above NHSE target for Bassetlaw (1.119).
• Achievement on all 3 is required to achieve full payment.
= max 33p per patient
**whichever is the easier target based on Items per STAR PU
I trust this fulfils your requirements.
Sarah Beard
Assurance & Engagement Officer
NHS Bassetlaw CCG
Retford Hospital
North Road
DN22 7XF
01777 863308
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