Freedom of Information request - Project Management Software Systems

The request was successful.

Dear Carlisle City Council,

Freedom of Information request - Software Systems

1. What Software Systems are currently used by the Council (please identify each system if more than one is used) for:
• Programme and / or Project management?
• Risk Management recording and reporting
• Performance Management reporting
• Freedom of Information recording and tracking

2. When do the contracts expire for each software system used?

3. Do you have any planned changes or upgrades of the software currently used? If so, when?

4. How much does each system cost including both the initial licence fee and the annual charge?

5. If you do not have a system how are programmes and projects managed currently?

6. How (which procurement route or framework) was the contract initially tendered and when was this tender awarded?

7. If no software or tendered contract is in place currently are you considering tendering or purchasing further software within the next 12 months? If so via which procurement route or framework would you be using?

8. How many users / licenses for each system have you purchased for each system?

9. Who is the person responsible for the identified Software Systems? Please provide full name, title and contact information if possible.

Yours faithfully,

Allan Clarke

Information, Carlisle City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Clarke

Please find attached acknowledgment of your request under the Freedom of
Information Act



Frances Braithwaite

Corporate Information/SHE Support Officer

Governance and Regulatory Services

Carlisle City Council

Civic Centre


Telephone 01228 817060




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Information, Carlisle City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Clarke

Please find attached response to your request under the Freedom of
Information Act



Frances Braithwaite

Corporate Information/SHE Support Officer

Governance and Regulatory Services

Carlisle City Council

Civic Centre


Telephone 01228 817060




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