Freedom of Information request - Geography Applicant
Dear Newnham College, Cambridge,
Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I kindly request some information/data regarding the following aspects of admissions for Geography undergraduate course at your college.
Please could you provide the following information for entry in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 in a table format:
1. The breakdown of subjects offered by each non-gap applicant and grade achieved for each subject, the number offered interviews and number receiving offers;
2. The grade achieved by each non-gap applicant in GAA, the number offered interviews and number receiving offers;
3. The average UMS score of each non-gap applicant offered interviews and of those receiving offers.
Yours faithfully,
Haoxuan Wu
Dear Haoxuan Wu
Further to your email below please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request.
Kind regards,
Melanie Hale
Melanie Hale
Bursar’s Secretary
Newnham College
Tel. 01223 (3)35751
Registered Charity Number: 1137512
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