Freedom of Information Request: Byelaws and Policies on Recreational Use of Drones
Dear Burnley Borough Council,
We are writing to make an information request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. We seek information regarding your authority's regulations on the recreational use of drones from land under your jurisdiction.
1. Do you have any byelaws specifically relating to the recreational use of drones from your land? If yes, please provide:
a) The date(s) of these byelaws.
b) A digital copy of the byelaw(s) or a link to where these can be found on your website.
2. In the absence of specific byelaws, do you have any policies relating to the recreational use of drones from your land? If yes, please provide:
a) The date(s) of these policies.
b) A digital copy of the policy(ies) or a link to where these can be found on your website.
We look forward to your full and prompt response.
Yours sincerely,
Grey Arrows Drone Club Limited
Unity House
Westwood Park Drive
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We have received your freedom of information request. You should expect a
response within 20 working days.
Kind regards,
Burnley Council
Town Hall
Direct Dial -----
[1]burnley council's website [2]white ribbon
Burnley Council, Town Hall, Manchester Road, Burnley, Lancashire. BB11 9SA
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Dear FOI,
Please provide us with the information we requested on 7th March 2024.
Our request is now significantly overdue, we will be reporting this to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) with immediate effect.
Yours sincerely,
Grey Arrows Drone Club
This is an automated email- please do not reply
We have received your freedom of information request. You should expect a
response within 20 working days.
Kind regards,
Burnley Council
Town Hall
Direct Dial -----
[1]burnley council's website [2]white ribbon
Burnley Council, Town Hall, Manchester Road, Burnley, Lancashire. BB11 9SA
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Dear Burnley Borough Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Burnley Borough Council's handling of my FOI request 'Freedom of Information Request: Byelaws and Policies on Recreational Use of Drones'.
Our request is now significantly overdue. Please provide us with the information we requested on 7th March 2024.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Grey Arrows Drone Club
This is an automated email- please do not reply
We have received your freedom of information request. You should expect a
response within 20 working days.
Kind regards,
Burnley Council
Town Hall
Ext -----
01282 425011
[1]burnley council's [2]white ribbon [3]carbon literacy
website accredited award
Burnley Council, Town Hall, Manchester Road, Burnley, Lancashire. BB11 9SA
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Grey Arrows Drone Club,
We will complete an internal review of the processing of this request.
In the please find a response.
1. The appropriate byelaw is referenced in the policies
The Council's Bylaws for Parks and Pleasure Grounds 1977 state that:
Byelaw 8
8. A person shall not except in the exercise of any lawful right or privilege bring or cause to be brought into the pleasure ground any barrow, truck, machine or vehicle other than (a) a wheeled bicycle, tricycle or other similar machine; (b) a wheel chair or perambulator drawn or propelled by hand and used solely for the conveyance of a child or children or an invalid.
A drone is a "machine" for the purpose of this byelaw.
Byelaw 22
22. A person shall not in the pleasure ground wilfully obstruct, disturb, interrupt, or annoy any other person in the proper use of the pleasure ground, or wilfully obstruct, disturb, or interrupt any officer of the Council in the proper execution of his duty, or any person or servant of any person employed by the Council in the proper execution of any work in connection with the laying out and maintenance of the pleasure ground.
The flying of a drone in a public park is likely to disturb, interrupt and annoy persons in the proper use of the pleasure ground.
This is on the website
Drone policy - :
2. We also have a more detailed policy as attached, which is not available on the Council's website. This is provided as advice in connection with event safety to event organisers who have stated they will or likely to use a drone.
As stated we will complete the requested internal review.
If, following the review, you remain dissatisfied with the council's treatment of your request then you may take your complaint to the Information Commissioner at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Ian Evenett
Information Governance Officer (Finance and Property)
Grey Arrows Drone Club,
Please find attached an Internal Review.
Ian Evenett
Dear FOI,
Given how significantly overdue our request is, we look forward to receiving your full response in a timely manner.
Yours sincerely,
Grey Arrows Drone Club
This is an automated email- please do not reply
We have received your freedom of information request. You should expect a
response within 20 working days.
Kind regards,
Burnley Council
Town Hall
Ext -----
01282 425011
[1]burnley council's [2]white ribbon [3]carbon literacy
website accredited award
Burnley Council, Town Hall, Manchester Road, Burnley, Lancashire. BB11 9SA
Our terms and disclaimers apply to this email and any attachments.
[4]For full details, see our terms and disclaimer.
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Please find a repeat of the response below
Grey Arrows Drone Club,
Please find a response below
1. The appropriate byelaw is referenced in the policies
The Council's Bylaws for Parks and Pleasure Grounds 1977 state that:
Byelaw 8
8. A person shall not except in the exercise of any lawful right or privilege bring or cause to be brought into the pleasure ground any barrow, truck, machine or vehicle other than (a) a wheeled bicycle, tricycle or other similar machine; (b) a wheel chair or perambulator drawn or propelled by hand and used solely for the conveyance of a child or children or an invalid.
A drone is a "machine" for the purpose of this byelaw.
Byelaw 22
22. A person shall not in the pleasure ground wilfully obstruct, disturb, interrupt, or annoy any other person in the proper use of the pleasure ground, or wilfully obstruct, disturb, or interrupt any officer of the Council in the proper execution of his duty, or any person or servant of any person employed by the Council in the proper execution of any work in connection with the laying out and maintenance of the pleasure ground.
The flying of a drone in a public park is likely to disturb, interrupt and annoy persons in the proper use of the pleasure ground.
This is on the website
Drone policy - :
2. We also have a more detailed policy as attached, which is not available on the Council's website. This is provided as advice in connection with event safety to event organisers who have stated they will or are likely to use a drone.
You may, if dissatisfied with the treatment of your request, ask the council to conduct a review of its decision under the council's complaints procedure. The review will be carried out by someone who has not been involved in dealing with your request for information. Please e-mail or write if you would like a review.
If, following the review, you remain dissatisfied with the council's treatment of your request then you may take your complaint to the Information Commissioner at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Ian Evenett
Information Governance Officer (Finance and Property)
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