Freedom of Information - Recruitment
Dear Audit Scotland,
Please can you provide the following information?
1 - Please advise the total spend on recruitment agencies in the last during 2018/2019 ?
2 - Please advise what the temporary agency spend for admin, call centre, data processing and clerical roles during 2018/2019 ?
3 - Please advise what the temporary agency spend for roles such as warehouse, catering and cleaners during 2018/2019?
4 - Please advise what the permanent agency spend has been during 2018/2019 ?
5 - Which recruitment agencies have you used in the last 12 months for admin, call centre, data processing , clerical, warehouse, catering and cleaners?
6 - Which framework agreements do you use for agencies? ie Scottish Government, APUK, Crown Commercial Services?
7 - What process do recruitment agencies have to follow to be given jobs to work on?
8 - Who is responsible for engaging new recruitment agencies?
Yours faithfully,
Kirsty Duffin
Dear MS Duffin
This email is to acknowledge your Freedom of Information requested dated
14 September 2020. Your request is now being dealt with and we will
respond to you as soon as possible and with 20 working days.
Yours sincerely
Ian Metcalfe
Corporate Performance Officer
Audit Scotland, 4th Floor, 102 West Port, Edinburgh EH3 9DN
T: 0131 625 1861
E: [1][email address]
During the current COVID-19 suppression measures I am working from home.
For more information on Audit Scotland’s work during this situation, read
the statement on our website. [4]
From: Kirsty Duffin <[6][FOI #691306 email]>
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 9:21 AM
To: BSS - Requests <[7][email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Freedom of Information -
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* Is the senders email address right? (click the senders Name to see
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* Are you expecting this email?
* Does it make sense? Would this person really ask this?
* Have you ever had an email like this before?
* Is the email written in good English or in the style you would
expect from that person?
Dear Audit Scotland,
Please can you provide the following information?
1 - Please advise the total spend on recruitment agencies in the last
during 2018/2019 ?
2 - Please advise what the temporary agency spend for admin, call centre,
data processing and clerical roles during 2018/2019 ?
3 - Please advise what the temporary agency spend for roles such as
warehouse, catering and cleaners during 2018/2019?
4 - Please advise what the permanent agency spend has been during
2018/2019 ?
5 - Which recruitment agencies have you used in the last 12 months for
admin, call centre, data processing , clerical, warehouse, catering and
6 - Which framework agreements do you use for agencies? ie Scottish
Government, APUK, Crown Commercial Services?
7 - What process do recruitment agencies have to follow to be given jobs
to work on?
8 - Who is responsible for engaging new recruitment agencies?
Yours faithfully,
Kirsty Duffin
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[8][FOI #691306 email]
Is [9][Audit Scotland request email] the wrong address for Freedom of
Information requests to Audit Scotland? If so, please contact us using
this form:
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the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
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Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
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Dear Ms Duffin
This email is to acknowledge and respond to your Freedom of information
request dated 14 September 2020. For ease I have added our response to
your email below.
Yours sincerely
Ian Metcalfe
Corporate Performance Officer
Audit Scotland, 4th Floor, 102 West Port, Edinburgh EH3 9DN
T: 0131 625 1861
E: [1][email address]
During the current COVID-19 suppression measures I am working from home.
For more information on Audit Scotland’s work during this situation, read
the statement on our website. [4]
Right of review and appeal
If you are dissatisfied with how we have handled your information request
or would like us to reconsider the decision we made, please write to:
Diane McGiffen, Chief Operating Officer, at 102 West Port, Edinburgh, EH3
9DN. You should do this as soon as possible and within 40 working days of
the date of issue of our response to your request.
If, after that, you are still not satisfied you can ask the Scottish
Information Commissioner to review how we dealt with your request. This
should be done within 6 months after the date of receipt of our response
to your review. The Commissioner is independent of Audit Scotland and can
decide whether we acted properly and according to the Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Scottish Information
Commissioner, Kinburn Castle, Doubledykes Road, St Andrews, Fife, KY16
9DS, Tel 01334 464 610, email [6][email address]
From: Kirsty Duffin <[7][FOI #691306 email]>
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 9:21 AM
To: BSS - Requests <[8][email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Freedom of Information -
Do not click links, open attachments or reply before asking yourself:
* Is the senders email address right? (click the senders Name to see their
email address)
* Are you expecting this email?
* Does it make sense? Would this person really ask this?
* Have you ever had an email like this before?
* Is the email written in good English or in the style you would expect
from that person?
Dear Audit Scotland,
Please can you provide the following information?
1 - Please advise the total spend on recruitment agencies in the last
during 2018/2019 ? ££128,065.08 (including £1,500 identified in Q4).
2 - Please advise what the temporary agency spend for admin, call centre,
data processing and clerical roles during 2018/2019 ? £15,500.78
3 - Please advise what the temporary agency spend for roles such as
warehouse, catering and cleaners during 2018/2019? £0
4 - Please advise what the permanent agency spend has been during
2018/2019 ? £1,500
5 - Which recruitment agencies have you used in the last 12 months for
admin, call centre, data processing , clerical, warehouse, catering and
cleaners? ? Pertemps, Harvey Nash, Search, Venesky-Brown, Hays
6 - Which framework agreements do you use for agencies? ie Scottish
Government, APUK, Crown Commercial Services?
For our interim / temp recruitment we use the Scottish Government
framework. We don’t actively use any of these for permanent recruitment
but do take a look at those named here before researching the market
ourselves. It depends on the role.
7 - What process do recruitment agencies have to follow to be given jobs
to work on?
We will typically research the market and engage with agencies we know can
help in particular areas and we agree a fee upfront for any recruitment or
temp support.
8 - Who is responsible for engaging new recruitment agencies?
The HR & OD team or recruiting managers will typically engage with
recruitment agencies. We rarely use them in recruitment campaigns except
for tricky to fill roles for example in our Digital team. The business
area resource leads use temps on occasion to fill resource gaps for short
periods of time.
Yours faithfully,
Kirsty Duffin
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[9][FOI #691306 email]
Is [10][Audit Scotland request email] the wrong address for Freedom of
Information requests to Audit Scotland? If so, please contact us using
this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
latest advice from the ICO:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Visible links
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7. mailto:[FOI #691306 email]
8. mailto:[email address]
9. mailto:[FOI #691306 email]
10. mailto:[Audit Scotland request email]
Dear Ian Metcalfe,
I am unable to find response to my request.
Can you please advise?
Yours sincerely,
Kirsty Duffin
Dear Ms Duffin
You state that you are unable to find a response to your FOI. I assume you are referring to the request made on the 14 September 2020 and I note that Audit Scotland's response is already included the email trail below. As you will see from my original response I answered each of your questions.
However if you have submitted another request since my response I am afraid I have not seen that request and ask that you send it again.
Ian Metcalfe
Corporate Performance Officer
Audit Scotland, 4th Floor, 102 West Port, Edinburgh EH3 9DN
T: 0131 625 1861
[mobile number]
E: [email address]
During the current COVID-19 suppression measures I am working from home. For more information on Audit Scotland’s work during this situation, read the statement on our website.
Dear Ian Metcalfe,
Apologies, I can see it now.
Thank you for your prompt response.
Have a good week.
Yours sincerely,
Kirsty Duffin
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