Freedom of Information Act requests
Dear Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales,
The Prisons and Probation Ombudsman is subject to the Freedom of Information Act and final responses are required to be sent within 28 days.
You are required to keep a record of all FOI requests received, the dates of receipt, the reference numbers allocated to them and the date a final response was provided in respect of each
Can you please therefore provide me with:
1. A list of all FOI requests received by the Ombudsman, showing
a. the dates they were submitted,
b. the reference number allocated to them, and
c. the date that they were each given a final response.
2. A list of all extant FOI requests, beyond 28 days from your receipt of them, that have not been given a full response within 28 days showing
a. the date the request was received,
b. the reference number allocated to it, and
c. the reason why no response has yet been sent in accordance with the law?
Yours faithfully,
Mark Leech FRSA, Editor: The Prisons Handbook for England and Wales
Dear Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales,
Can you please add to this request, in terms of question 1 and question 2, the following that was omitted.
Please provide in respect of each FOI Request
"Brief details of each FOI Request"
Yours faithfully,
Mark Leech
Dear Mark,
Please see the attached response to your FOI request.
Kind regards
Learning Lessons team
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