Requests similar to 'Freedom of Information Act requests'

It is of real concern that time and time again I read in your Fatal Incident Reports (FIR) how prisons have ignored or failed to implement recommendati...
On 11th February 2019 I wrote a letter to the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman about their death in custody recommendations being repeatedly ignored. I...
The PPO's Terms of Reference (, updated in 2017, make clear that the only people with the right of audience to complain to...


For the six-month period 15th October 2018 to 15th April 2019 can you please provide a full list of the official expenses of the Prisons and Probation...
In respect of the Impact Symposium, held at the PPO’s offices in Canary Wharf on 28 March 2019, can you please tell me: 1. How many delegates attende...
As at the date of this request, 2nd November 2019, can you please tell me: 1. How many Fatal Incident investigations are currently being conducted wh...
Can you please let me have a copy of your 2019/2020 Annual Report or, if it has not yet been published can you kindly tell me the date when publication...
I refer you to FOI 315 Freedom of Information Request You say that a 'sample' of complainants in prisons and YOIs are sent the GSS survey - please te...
In the above report you state: "Mr Martin Brown died on 14 February 2021, of lung cancer at HMP Swaleside. He was 55 years old. The clinical reviewe...
Annual Stakeholder survey

Partially successful

For the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 can you please tell me how many responses you received to each of each respective years' Annual Stakehold...
For the Annual Stakeholder survey 2020/2021 how many of the 409 responses you received (as shown on page 83 of your 2020/2021 annual report) came from...
In the above report you state: "The clinical reviewer concluded that the clinical care Mr Carmichael received at Hull was equivalent to that which he...
Can you please provide me with any information you hold as to "NEWS2" - a scoring tool used to assess the severity of a patient’s illness - which you r...
On 31st October 2019 you published a Fatal Incident Report into the death of a man at HMP Wymott on 3rd January 2010 - it took you TEN YEARS to publish...
Can you please give me the contact details of the individual responsible for receiving and investigating complaints that relate to the failure of the P...
In the recently published edition of The Investigator and the email sent out with copies of it, the PPO purports a claim to 'copyright'. Can you plea...
The Investigator edition 7
Request sent to Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales by mark leech on .

Withdrawn by the requester

I refer to the publication 'The Investigator edition 7'. Can you tell me the total costs of this newsletter in terms of 1. Hours hours spent in edi...
I was shocked to discover today that quietly, without explanation, you casually slipped into the public domain without any explanatory Press Release th...
Can you please let me have a copy of the document / spreadsheet showing a list of all PSIs and PSOs issued, those that appear on the MOJ web site, thos...
IMBs are subject to the Freedom of Information Act and final responses are required to be sent within 28 days. My research shows that there are many F...
Can you please provide me with (at the date of this request) a list detailing the applications for planning permission in respect of prisons that the M...
Planning Applications - Prisons
Request sent to Ministry of Justice by mark leech on .


Can you please let me have a detailed list of (or web links to), current planning applications that are currently extant and made by the MOJ in relatio...
Dear Her Majesty's Prison & Probation Service, Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to reque...
Dear Bryan I can confirm yes this is the email used. Apologise for the inconvenience this has caused you and the extra time to resolve this soluti...
  Dear Mark Leech,   Please find response to your recent FOI request.   Many Thanks   Disclosure Team (Sent on behalf of Briefing and C...