This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Freedom of Information Act requests'.

Reference number,Date Received,Date Sent,Brief summary
FOI1,Sep-12,No data,Complaints at public v private prisons
FOI2,Jan-13,No data,Property Complaints
FOI3,Nov-12,No data,FII cases
FOI4,Feb-13,No data,Complaints by category
FOI5,Feb-13,No data,Complaints at Long Lartin
FOI6,Nov-12,No data,Complaints to do with Welsh
FOI7,Mar-13,No data,Timeliness of complaints
FOI31,Mar-13,No data,FII cases in prisons 2004/5 to 11/12
FOI032,08/04/2013,No data,Rule 39 in Wakefield
FOI038,01/07/2013,11/07/2013,Recommendations to IRC
FOI37,Jul-13,No data,Backlog/timeliness of complaints
FOI45,29/07/2013,05/08/2013,Suicides and accidents
FOI - [redacted],10-Jul,No data,Rule 39
FOI039,No data,No data,Timeliness of complaints
FOI044,Aug-13,No data,"Complaints related to PHSO, timeliness"
FOI046,06/08/2013,29/08/2013,Cost of complaint investigation
FOI041a,11/07/2013,13/08/2013,All complaints about Risk Matrix (RM) 2000
FOI040,22/07/2013,16/08/2013,Complaints and FII's of LGBT prisoners
FOI041b,15/08/2013,09/09/2013,Follow up to FOI in July 13- details of complaints about RM 2000
FOI - [redacted],30/08/2013,No data,complaints from children (17 under)
FOI048,15/09/2013,No data,follow up to FOI 45.
FOI045,15/09/2013,No data,(no summary available)
FOI053,30/10/2013,No data,Top complaints by establishment
FOI057,01/12/2013,No data,"Complaints decisions, timeliness"
FOI063,25/02/2014,No data,Complaints about conjugal visits
FOI067,25/03/2014,No data,"Cost , time and categories of complaints"
FOI061,No data,No data,Impact of LAPSO act on PPO
FOI065,12/03/2014,No data,Probation misconduct
FOI064b,25/03/2014,No data,Further questions about transg prisoners
FOI069,01/04/2014,No data,Further questions about children
FOI068,01/04/2014,No data,Complaints - volume/ length/cost
FOI070,05/04/2014,No data,FII and Complaints in last 15 yrs
FOI073,23/05/2014,No data,Compensation given in upheld complaints- in last 3 years
FOI074,10/06/2014,No data,PHSO investigations
FOI077,15/07/2014,22/07/2014,Complaints from prison since April 2009
FOI083,18/09/2014,No data,Average time for complaints since April 2013
FOI 092b - follow up,01/03/2015,18/03/2015,Asked for outcomes of complaints about Rule 39
FOI solitaryseg,21/03/2015,01/04/2015,info about deaths/comps in segregation
FOI 100 ,01/04/2015,No data,Complaints about fire at HMP Isle of Wight (Albany site) in Feb 2015
FOI102,22/06/2015,02/07/2015,To be sent all reports from the last 5 years regarding transphobic bullying
FOI - Under 18s complaints,09/07/2015,13/07/2015,14 questions regarding complaints from under 18s in STCs and YOIs in 2013/14 and 2014/15
FOI - Under 18s complaints,13/07/2015,No data,Follow up to above request - asked for a summary of all complaints from under 18s in STCs and YOIs in 2013/14 and 2014/15
FOI - IRC Clinical Reviews,27/08/2015,27/05/2015,Wanted us to send her clinical reviews for a list of IRC deaths
FOI118,01/12/2015,No data,Details of deaths related to prescribed medication misuse
FOI121,08/01/2016,26/02/2016,"Details of staff backgrounds, in particular whether staff or their families were police officers/former police officers"
FOI122,16/02/2016,26/02/2016,Delays in prisoners receiving prescribed medication
FOI122 (follow up),26/02/2016,02/03/2016,Additional info about delays in prisoners receiving medication
FOI127,11/05/2016,08/06/2016,Annual complaints stats since 1995
FOI130,26/05/2016,16/06/2016,Average cost of an eligible complaint
FOI132,06/06/2016,20/06/2016,Data about complaints from high security estate from last 3 years
FOI131,27/05/2016,22/06/2016,"Info about staff, assessments and complaints"
FOI133,09/06/2016,22/06/2016,Number of complaints and decisions of eligibility decisions over past 5 years
FOI127,25/06/2016,20/06/2016,Complaints and deaths of over 60s
FOI142,07/11/2016,17/11/2016,Demographic/contextual data about deaths at Styal prison over the last 2 years
FOI139,04/10/2016,27/10/2016,How many deaths at HMP Wakefield in 2016 and further data on a publicised speech by Nigel stating there had been 58 deaths linked to NPS use. Also wanted a copy of the annual report.
FOI141,03/11/2016,25/11/2016,"Anonymised data on the 39 deaths associated with NPS use (from publicised speech), copy of any report on NPS and suicide rates in prisons. "
FOI143,06/11/2016,25/11/2016,"Number of complaints re: PSRs, % of complaints compared to how many PSRs are undertaken and how many complaints found in favour of complainant. "
FOI145,07/12/2016,21/12/2016,Number of deaths in prisons from accidental overdose where drugs have been internally trafficked into the prison.
FOI126,14/04/2016,06/01/2017,"Names, ages, cause of death, and sex of all death notifications since March 2015"
FOI144,01/12/2016,04/01/2017,"Names, ages, ethnicity, cause of death, and sex of all deaths not currently under investigation in 2016"
FOI148,08/01/2017,13/02/2017,"No. of complaints made to PPO that related to rape or sexual assualt, plus some questions about PPO role and processes "
FOI149,20/01/2017,10/02/2017,Updated statistics from the mental health thematic
FOI150,18/01/2017,01/02/2017,"List of deaths occurring post release, when offender is on probation"
FOI151,18/01/2017,10/02/2017,Deaths occurring at the gym or shortly after engaging in PE
FOI152,24/01/2017,14/02/2017,"How many FI reports since 2009 have identified illegal drug use as contributing to the death and among these, in how many cases was it NPS specifically"
FOI153,03/02/2017,15/02/2017,Clarification of discrpancies between data we sent as a part of his previous FOI and data in our annual report (they were different time periods).
FOI154,03/02/2017,10/02/2017,Whether NOMS/MoJ can refuse to comply with our findings
FOI155,14/02/2017,09/03/2017,How many complaints we have investigated in the last three years relating to access to condoms
FOI156,22/02/2017,21/03/2017,Updated statistics from the NPS speech
FOI157,13/03/2017,10/04/2017,"the number of complaints that your department has dealt with in the last broken down into complaint type and establishment and where possible resolution, the date range I would like to use is 1st Jan 2016 to March 13th 2017"
FOI158,21/03/2017,07/04/2017,"Number of prison deaths in Greater Manchester boundary last 3 years, and national figure"
FOI160,28/04/2017,01/12/2017,Details wanted regarding IEP complaints - vague request giving no specific date parameters
FOI161,15/05/2017,17/05/2017,"Wanted 14-15, 15-16 and 16-17 Annual reports"
FOI162,16/05/2017,13/06/2017,"Wants a copy of [redacted]'s final report, would like to know how many deaths at wakefield in 2016 and also whether any investigation uncovered neglect. "
FOI163,17/05/2017,13/06/2017,Requested the number of deaths due to 'pre existing conditions' in the last 5 years
FOI164,02/06/2017,02/06/2017,Request for hardcopies of the complaints codes. Request unclear so requested more detail
FOI165,19/06/2017,17/07/2017,"Question about what information PPO holds on fatal incident investigations and reports, plus details of deaths relaing to fire safety"
FOI166,26/06/2017,24/07/2017,Details of complaints relating to access television in 2016
FOI167,21/06/2017,25/07/2017,Complains about recategorisation from CatD to C
FOI168,27/06/2017,25/07/2017,FII reccs in High Security Estate
FOI169,14/07/2017,03/08/2017,Follow-up request from FOI164 to clarify what data is required (data on Resettlement complaints data 2010- 2016)
FOI170,24/07/2017,21/08/2017,Any recommendations on PID workers being able to access personal information.
FOI171,13/07/2017,03/08/2017,"All deaths at Swaleside from Jan 2014 to present, plus reports that are publically available."
FOI172,21/07/2017,No data,Request for details on FOI performance between 2014 and 2017
FOI173,28/07/2017,18/08/2017,FI case
FOI174,28/07/2017,18/08/2017,FI case
FOI175,28/07/2017,18/08/2017,FI case
FOI176,29/07/2017,18/08/2017,FI case
FOI177,29/07/2017,18/08/2017,FI case
FOI178,04/08/2017,18/08/2017,FI case
FOI179,07/08/2017,18/08/2017,FI case
FOI180,07/08/2017,07/09/2017,Maximum times are for completion and publication of FI reports (broken down by classification of death)
FOI181,31/07/2017,24/08/2017,Prisoners' property complaints since 2004
FOI182,19/08/2017,24/08/2017,FI case
FOI183,01/09/2017,27/09/2017,"Requesting number of complaints related to Hala food and, seperately, the number of complaints relating to allegations of sexual assualt"
FOI184,25/08/2017,18/09/2017,Requests for complaints by establishments
FOI185,20/09/2017,16/10/2017,Wanted to know how many deaths in IRCS we've undertaken and how many we've been notified of and not investigated
FOI186,27/09/2017,20/10/2017,"Anonymised data regarding age, year of death and cause of death for all prisoners who have died in the UK over the last five years where the death was due to natural causes"
FOI187,03/10/2017,31/10/2017,Details requested for frequency of equality training for PPO staff. Also several requests regarding transgender prisoners.
FOI188,16/10/2017,06/11/2017,Information on the number of yellowcard submissions made relating to deaths in custody
FOI189,17/10/2017,10/11/2017,Follow up questions relating to FOI185. Logged as new FOI as specific questions raised regarding PPO's descretion to investigate
FOI190,31/10/2017,28/11/2017,Request for the number of ongoing FII investigations and the mean time for completion
FOI191,04/11/2017,22/11/2017,Request for the sexual identification of complainants.
FOI192,16/11/2017,13/12/2017,Request for all documents and information used to compile the use of force bulletin
FOI193,14/11/2017,11/12/2017,Request made to find out details of how our communications and media is outsourced.
FOI194,24/11/2017,20/12/2017,Details requested of the PPO Equality and Diversity training from 23 November 2017
FOI195,01/12/2017,07/12/2017,Causes of death
FOI196,02/12/2017,20/12/2017,Follow up from requests made in late July / early August regarding [redacted]. Details post initial report now being made
FOI197,04/12/2017,28/12/2017,Request made for PPO T&S policy limits and spend to date - no timeframes given
FOI198,06/01/2018,15/01/2018,Full disclosure' of problems surrounding [redacted] death
FOI199,08/01/2018,30/01/2018,Details of death of [redacted] (resident at IRC)
FOI200,15/01/2018,26/02/2018,Numbers/proportions of SIDs while prisoner was on remand.
FOI201,18/01/2018,05/02/2018,Request related to new complaints discrimination bulletin. Request asks for 200 cases referred to in the bulletin to be broken down by 4 different categories
FOI202,29/01/2018,09/02/2018,Details requested of deaths and complaints over the past 20 years where sexual abuse was a factor
FOI203,21/02/2018,21/03/2018,Folow up to FOI202. Request made to break down the data by year from 2008
FOI204,03/04/2018,27/04/2018,Follow up FOI169. Now requesting hard copy case files for the 11 resettlement appeals upheld between 2014-2016.
FOI205,04/05/2018,04/06/2018,Request on inmate deaths and injuries where fire was the cause.
FOI206,07/05/2018,04/06/2018,Requested info on ACCT and how it prevents suicides and supports recovery. What activities do prisoners engage in to promote their recovery while on ACCT.
FOI207,04/05/2018,16/05/2019,Request for details on 'guidance' for staff within PPO - will go back and request detail to be clarified
FOI208,08/05/2018,01/06/2018,Request for stats on deaths from cancer in prisons
FOI209,15/05/2018,06/06/2018,Requesting number of complaints made and upheld for a number of different prisons.
FOI210,22/05/2018,21/06/2018,Requesting the complaints and PPO responses to 6 complaints made about food in 2016/17
FOI211,22/05/2018,20/06/2018,Requesting the complaints made by 3 high profile prisoners and the PPO's response to these complaints.
FOI212,12/07/2018,09/08/2018,"Number of complaints i) received and ii) investigated in relation to the use of predictive technologies (from 1/1/2015). Also outcome of complaints, actions taken as result of complaint, and appeals against PPO decisions"
FOI213,09/08/2018,07/09/2018,Number of discretionary FI investigations between 2010/11 and 2016/17
FOI214,01/08/2018,28/08/2018,Request made for PPO IT spend
FOI215,22/09/2018,10/10/2018,GP writing national guidance about managing patients in isolation/seg with suspected fractures - asked for stats or advice
FOI216,24/09/2018,22/10/2018,"Number of questions relating to the PPO's history, cases, staff, budget etc."
FOI217,03/10/2018,30/10/2018,Deaths related to NPS and synthetic cannabinoids
FOI218,05/09/2018,09/10/2018,Complaints and FII process
FOI219,12/10/2018,09/11/2018,Deaths of immigration detainees in prisons & IRCs: 2017-present
FOI220,12/10/2018,09/11/2018,Deaths in segregation/CSU and other information
FOI221,25/10/2018,19/11/2018,Wants excel file of basic anon report details as listed on PPO website.
FOI222,31/10/2018,29/11/2018,Requesting updated figures from Nigels APPAG speech
FOI223,09/11/2018,05/12/2018,Wanting update on info previously requested
FOI224,23/11/2018,14/12/2018,Request his personal data under FOI. FOI not applicable and should be under DPA (which has already been requeted and processed)
FOI225,23/11/2018,18/12/2018,Request clarification about previous FOI: denominator
FOI226,06/12/2018,03/01/2019,questions about drugs in prison - use and interventions
FOI227,10/12/2018,12/02/2019,implementation of FI recommendations
FOI228,10/12/2018,10/01/2019,"Requesting a number of LL bulletins, info on what research the PPO has conducted and info on the issue of gay magazines and investigations/outcomes."
FOI229,31/12/2018,28/01/2019,"Request for details on who regulates the PPO, any duty of care to prisoners and duties under ECHR"
FOI230,07/01/2019,07/02/2019,"Request for data and correspondence relating to swabbing, opening or in any way interfering with Rule 39 correspondence"
FOI231,07/01/2019,04/02/2018,Provide copy of full complaints about food in 2017-18 and full response to complaints.
FOI232,31/01/2019,02/03/2013,Request for data on PPO decisions relating to prisoner access to pornographic/adult material
FOI233,07/02/2019,15/02/2019,Request for information about MoJ/Probation/OMU responsibilities
FOI234,22/02/2019,18/03/2019,"Requesting uphold percentage for complaints about unlawful, illegal or unfair treament in prison"
FOI235,05/03/2019,01/04/2019,"Requesting list of IPP fatal incidents, including name, date of death, date PPO report published, establishment"
FOI236,09/03/2019,20/05/2019,requesting PPO's correspondence policy
FOI237,10/04/2019,02/05/2019,Requesting PSO 1300 relating to IEP warnings; requesting information about own prisoner record.
FOI238,04/04/2019,26/04/2019,"Number of complaints received about Bronzefield, how many regarding missing property, outcomes and ineligibility reasons"
FOI239,17/04/2019,21/05/2019,Requesting information about Milton Keynes police
FOI240,26/04/2019,21/05/2019,Requesting information about how 'danger to females' is assessed in prison
FOI241,24/12/2018,24/05/2019,Requesting information about complaints received and recommendations made in relation to Rule 39 correspondence
FOI242,01/05/2019,30/05/2019,"All complaints submitted by prisoners relating to staff conduct and treatment of prisoners by staff (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)"
FOI243,02/05/2019,21/05/2019,Requesting information about [redacted]
FOI245,26/04/2019,21/05/2019,Asking about findings in relation to staff opening safes or lockable cupboards during Fabric checks