Freedom of Information Act

Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) did not have the information requested.

Dear FOI Team,

I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to the contract below.

Tender for the Supply, Design, Installation and Commissioning of a Nurse Call System to St. James’s Hospital:

The details we require are:
• What are the contractual performance KPI's for this contract?
• Suppliers who applied for inclusion on each framework/contract and were successful & not successful at the PQQ & ITT stages
• Actual spend on this contract/framework (and any sub lots), from the start of the contract to the current date
• Start date & duration of framework/contract?
• Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised?
• Is there an extension clause in the framework(s)/contract(s) and, if so, the duration of the extension?
• Has a decision been made yet on whether the framework(s)/contract(s) are being either extended or renewed?
• Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract?

Thank you for your help.

Yours sincerely


Governance, Info, Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

Thank you for your email which has been received by the Information
Governance Department and will be responded to in due course.

Information Governance are implementing a new system called Infreemation.
From 12th June, emails will sent from [email address].

Governance, Info, Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

Good afternoon,

It appears this request is intended for St. James Hospital in Dublin. Therefore we would be unable to provide any information on this request.

You may wish to redirect your query directly to St. James Hospital in Dublin.

Kind regards

Conor Mullan
Senior Information Governance Officer/Infreemation System Manager
Information Governance Department  (NHSCT)
Causeway House
Route Complex
8e Coleraine Road
BT53 6BP
Phone:028 2766 1293
EXT: 363359

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