Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Email provider

The request was partially successful.

Dear Cardiff University,

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Specifically, I am seeking information regarding your secure communication.

Please provide me with the following information:
1. What is your current email provider (e.g. Outlook or G-suite)?
2. Do you have a solution for secure email in place (Y/N)?
3. Who is your current email security provider (e.g. Egress)?
4. When is the contract up for renewal?
5. Typically what is the chosen duration of these contracts 12, 24, or 36 Months?
6. Name and contact details of the person responsible?
7. Current annual spend for this contract?
8. Current number of licences for this contract?
9. Did you purchase via a reseller (if yes, please specify who)?
Budget & procurement
10. Are you planning on assigning specific budgets for securing email communication
in 2023?
11. Do you procure through the G-Cloud framework (if not, how do you procure &
plan to procure secure email in the future)?

Yours faithfully,

Simon Peters

InfoRequest, Cardiff University

Dear Simon Peters
I acknowledge receipt of your email received by this office on 22 November 2023.
Your request will now be dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and has been allocated reference FOI23-490 which should be quoted in all correspondence. We will respond to your request within 20 working days starting the next working day after receipt, therefore you can expect to receive a response no later than 21 December 2023.
In some circumstances a fee may be payable and, if that is the case, we will let you know. A fees notice will be issued to you, and you will be required to pay before we will proceed to deal with your request.
Yours sincerely

Swyddfa Ysgrifenydd y Brifysgol
Prifysgol Caerdydd
Ebost : [email address]

Mae'r Brifysgol yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg neu'n Saesneg. Ni fydd gohebu yn Gymraeg yn creu unrhwy oedi.

University Secretary's Office
Cardiff University
Email: [email address]

The University welcomes correspondence in Welsh or English. Corresponding in Welsh will not lead to any delay.

show quoted sections

InfoRequest, Cardiff University

Dear Simon,


I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request dated 21
November 2023.


For ease of reference, I have reproduced your questions below and set out
our corresponding responses.


 1. What is your current email provider (e.g. Outlook or G-suite)?

• Microsoft M365



 2. Do you have a solution for secure email in place (Y/N)?

• Yes



• Who is your current email security provider (e.g. Egress)?

• Microsoft



 4. When is the contract up for renewal?

• May 2026



 5. Typically what is the chosen duration of these contracts 12, 24, or 36

• 36 months



 6. Name and contact details of the person responsible?

• Adam Davies, IT Supplier Manager,
[1][email address]



 7. Current annual spend for this contract?

• The above information is held by the University however after due
consideration it is considered that the information is exempt from
disclosure by virtue of Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act
entitled Commercial Interests.  This section states: 


43(2) Information is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act
would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any
person (including the public authority holding it).  


The information requested contains data that would give insight into the
University’s activities that would be likely to prejudice its commercial
interests. To disclose this information into the public domain would put
the University at a commercial disadvantage by exposing their business
model and key business information to competitors. This would have the
effect of distorting the market and give a clear advantage to those
companies not subject to the FOI Act to exploit that information for their
own competitive gain. Furthermore, sharing of commercially confidential
information between competitors is normally prohibited under the
Competition Act 1998 as this could have an adverse impact upon competition
in that market. 


In order to apply, the exemption requires that a public interest be
considered and this is documented below:



Public Interest Test

Factors in favour of disclosure


Openness and Transparency - It is in the public interest that
University's, as public authorities, are as open and transparent as
possible in the way that they operate and the way in which decisions are



Factors in favour of non-disclosure

Commercial Interests - It is not in the public interest to disclose
information that would undermine the ability of the University to
undertake its commercial functions and to differentiate itself from


Efficiency and effectiveness – It is not in the public interest to
disclose information that would erode the efficiency and effectiveness of
the organisation by eroding its opportunities to develop income streams
and undermine its ability to use that income for reinvestment in its
public task.   


Given the above, it is considered that it is in the greater public
interest to withhold the information from disclosure at this time.


 8. Current number of licences for this contract?

• 8,900 A5



 9. Did you purchase via a reseller (if yes, please specify who)?

• Yes, Phoenix Software Limited



Budget & procurement

10. Are you planning on assigning specific budgets for securing email
communication in 2023?

• No



11. Do you procure through the G-Cloud framework (if not, how do you
procure & plan to procure secure email in the future)?

• SUPC Software Licence Reseller Agreement (Microsoft Lot)





I trust this information satisfies your enquiry.  Should you feel
dissatisfied with this response or the way in which your request was
handled you can request an Internal Review. This should be made in writing
within 40 working days of the date of this email. Please provide your
unique reference number of your request, information on why you are
dissatisfied and any detail you would like us to consider as part of the
Internal Review process. Email your request to
[2][email address] where it will be forwarded to the Head of
Compliance and Risk who will be responsible for overseeing the review.



If you remain dissatisfied following the outcome, you have the right to
apply directly to the Information Commissioner for consideration.  The
Information Commissioner can be contacted at the following address:
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire, SK9 5AF.



I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in
Cardiff University. If you require further assistance, please feel free to
contact me.


Kind regards,



Swyddfa Ysgrifenydd y Brifysgol University Secretary’s Office

Prifysgol Caerdydd Cardiff University

Ebost : [3][email address] Email: [4][email address
The University welcomes
Mae'r Brifysgol yn croesawu correspondence in Welsh or English. 
gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg neu'n Saesneg.  Corresponding in Welsh will not lead
Ni fydd gohebu yn Gymraeg yn creu to any delay.
unrhwy oedi.





Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[email address]
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4. mailto:[email address]