Freedom Of Information Act
Dear Sir or Madam,
Is it the intention of the Commission for Local Administration in England ('CLAE') to conform with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and publish all minutes and agendas of its meetings. The Information Commissioner on 31 July 2008 published guidance on this issue, and this information appears to have been excluded from the Publication Scheme on the LGO Website.
If it is not the intention of the CLAE to publish its minutes and agendas on the Local Government Ombudsmen Website within the next 20 days - please forward copies of all minutes and agendas since the FOI came into force (30 November 2000) and identify clearly if the minutes and agenda are edited or unedited.
Additionally, if it should not be the intention of the CLAE to comply with the FoI Act please forward copies of all documents identifying its reasons.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Mr Hardwicke Carruthers
This is to acknowledge receipt of your email request, received on
Tuesday 5 August.
I will respond to this as soon as possible. I will aim to reply within
the 20-working day target (which would be by 3 September). If I am
unable to do so, I will write to you again explaining why.
Yours sincerely
Hilary Pook
Communications & Records Manager
Local Government Ombudsman's Office
Tel: 020 7217 4734
NOTICE - This message contains information intended only for the use of
the addressee named above. If you have received this message in error
please advise us at once and do not make any use of the information.
Dear Mr Hardwicke Carruthers
Please find attached a letter in response to the request below, along
with the material requested.
Yours sincerely
Hilary Pook
Communications & Records Manager
Local Government Ombudsman's Office
Tel: 020 7217 4734
NOTICE - This message contains information intended only for the use of
the addressee named above. If you have received this message in error
please advise us at once and do not make any use of the information.
Dear Hilary Pook,
Many thanks for the information. It is a full response.
Yours sincerely,
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