Fraudulent Illegal withdrawals from post office branches?
Dear Post Office Limited,
1. How many fraudulent illegal withdrawals were made from the post office in the years;- 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,2018,2019?
2. How many criminals were caught for these fraudulent withdrawals from the post office for the years; - 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019?
3. How many victims were reimbursed their money by the post office?
4. Are victims allowed to see the CCTV footage of the crime?
5. What is the procedure for victims to obtain the exact times of the illegal withdrawals and or the CCTV footage?
6. Does the post office have a time limit on how long they keep CCTV footage?
7. If they have a time limit, how long is it for?
8. If they have a time limit, what do they do with the CCTV footage after the time limit expires?
Yours faithfully,
Michael Griffin
Dear Mr Griffin,
Please find an acknowledgement attached to your Freedom of Information
Kerry Moodie
Information Rights Team
Ground Floor
Finsbury Dials
20 Finsbury Street
London EC2Y 9AQ
0333 665 3951
Dear Mr Griffin,
Please find the response attached to your Freedom of Information request.
Kerry Moodie
Information Rights Team
Ground Floor
Finsbury Dials
20 Finsbury Street
London EC2Y 9AQ
0333 665 3951
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