Requests similar to 'Fraud Procedures and Instructions Manual'

Fraud investigations
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Richard Gordon on .


Dear Mr Gordon Please see attached response to your FoI request. Kind regards Central FoI Team...
Dear Mr Price Apologies - Please see attached response and attachment to your FoI request. Kind regards Central FoI Team...
Customer Compliance Department
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Doug Paulley on .


Dear Mr Paulley Please see attached response to your FoI request. Kind regards Central FoI Team...
General Matching Service
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Cristina Cruz on .

Partially successful

Dear Cristina Cruz,   Please accept our apologies for the late response, please see the attached letter regarding your Freedom of Information reques...
Dear Mr White Thank you for your email dated 18 November 2008 requesting a copy of DWP's Subject Access Request Guide. Please find attached a copy of...
Customer Compliance (3)
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to J Newman on .

Partially successful

Dear J Newman Please see attached response to your FoI request. Kind regards DWP Central FoI Team DWP Central Freedom of Information Team e-mail: [...
Dear Mr Paulley Please see attached 11 guidance documents which should have accompanied the response for FoI 1683 which was issued to you yesterday....
  Dear Mr Hepplestein   Please find attached the reply to your recent Freedom of Information request reference number 5369, with associated attachm...
jobcentre data
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to i.reeves on .


Dear I. Reeves. Please find attached the reply to you Freedom of Information request to the Department for Work and Pensions. Regards, Amand...
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Frank Zola on .


Dear Mr Zola, Please see attached response to your FOI request. Kind regards, DWP Central FOI Team Frank Zola 06.07.2015 FoI ref No:2366 Dear Mr...


Dear Mr Brown Thank you for your Freedom of Information request received on 19^th May 2011. The information you requested is attached. Yours since...
Dear Glynne Powell, Please find attached a response to your request for information, received 19th November. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FOI Te...
Benefit fraud materials
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Amanda Hart on .


Dear Amanda Hart, I am writing in response to your request for information, received 12th August. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FoI Team DWP Cen...
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Jay Bhanji on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Jay Bhanji, I am writing in response to your request for information, received 18th August. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FoI Team DWP Cent...
Social Media Monitoring
Response by Plymouth City Council to Millie on .


OFFICIAL   Ref: 913989   4 November 2019   Dear Ms Wood   Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Your r...
Your intralink a-z of Jobcentre guidance
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Frank Zola on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Zola,   Please find attached the reply to your recent Freedom of Information request reference number FOI 902 with one associated document:...
Dear Wayne Pearsall, Please see attached response to your FoI request. Kind regards, DWP Central FoI Team DWP Central Freedom of Information A Anne...
According to a previous foi in 2011 dwp included this paragraph 4. Covert surveillance against DWP employees can only be carried out by Fraud Investi...
Internal breaches of RIPA
Request sent to Department for Work and Pensions by Ann Arthur on .


Dear Department for Work and Pension 4. Covert surveillance against DWP employees can only be carried out by Fraud Investigation Service (FIS) as par...
Non digital claimants
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Matthew Elliott on .


Dear Matthew Elliott, Please find attached a response to your request for information, received 20th December. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FOI...
Dear Ms Sanderson Please see attached response to your FoI request. Kind regards, Department for Work and Pensions Central FoI Team Ms M Sanderson...
Customer compliance
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to helen2014 on .


  Ms St-Mart   Please see copy of your FoI request attached         DWP Freedom of Information Request Team       Compliance Guidance 01 Ov...
Compliance guidance
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to helen2014 on .


  Ms St-Mart   Please see copy of your FoI request attached         DWP Freedom of Information Request Team       Compliance Guidance 01 Ov...
Dear Mr Johnson Please see attached response to your FoI request. Kind regards Central FoI Team...
Overpayment Recovery Guide
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Nigel Dale on .


Dear Mr Dale Thank you for your follow up request for information on the Overpayment Recovery Guide (ORG). I have attached all of the Procedures a...