Fracking banned in France.

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Department of Energy and Climate Change should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Department of Energy and Climate Change,
Fracking is banned in France because of dangers of Earthquake and groundwater contamination. Why then is the British Government giving financial incentives to French Companies to Frack here in the UK? Already a prolific number of Licences have been granted and issued throughout Britain, with little or no prior consultation with local businesses or residents.
Where is the independent scientific and financial evidence that Fracking Operations in Britain will be of benefit to this country and its people? Especially as it is the British Taxpayer who will be funding the £Incentive at the outset.

Yours faithfully,
M. Johnston

FOI Requests,

DECC Ref: 14/0622

Dear M. Johnston

Thank you for your request for information which was received on 10 April 2014. Your request has been passed on to the appropriate official at the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) to deal with.

Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and will be responded to at the latest by 13 May 2014.

If you have any queries about this email, please contact the information rights unit at BIS who have a shared service when dealing with requests for DECC. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.

Kind regards,
Information Rights Unit

Security and Information Rights Unit | Department for Business, Innovation & Skills | [email address] | Victoria 3, 5th Floor, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H OET | | BIS have a shared service level agreement with DECC to process and advise on their FOI requests

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) is making a difference by supporting sustained growth and higher skills across the economy. BIS: working together for growth

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FOI Requests,

1 Attachment

Dear M Johnston
Please find attached a response to your recent requests, DECC references
14/0622 and 14/0721.
If you have any queries about this email, please contact the Information
Rights Unit at BIS.
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future

Yours sincerely,
Information Rights Unit
Information Rights Unit I Personnel Security and Counter Fraud Team I
Information and Technology Directorate I Department for Business,
Innovation & Skills I Victoria 3, 5th Floor, 1 Victoria Street, London,
SW1H 0ET I [1]
The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) is making a
difference by supporting sustained growth and higher skills across the
BIS: connecting people to opportunity and prosperity across the country
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Visible links
1. file:///tmp/

M. Johnston left an annotation ()

Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) have now replied to my e-mails asking why the UK Government financially encourage French Fracking Companies to despoil in the UK that which they are banned from carrying out in France : "your e-mails do not contain requests for recorded information held by DECC." " No specific incentives have been given to French Fracking Companies. But they are offered a reduced Tax rate from 62% to 30% on their profits"

Dear Department of Energy and Climate Change,
Your reply that Franch Fracking Companies receive no specific incentives when in fact they are offered Tax reductions on their profits from 62% to 30%. Many UK businesses (with high start-up costs) would be very grateful indeed to have that amount of financial incentive from this Government. Especially those in the North of England area where it seems that Foreign Fracking Companies and Nuclear Waste Disposal are the only 'options' discussed in The London based

Yours faithfully,

M. Johnston

Dear Department of Energy and Climate Change,
I would be grateful for clarification as to why when Fracking/Shale Gas Mining has been banned in France, most of Europe and parts of the U.S (countries which have significantly larger land mass and less populated areas per square mile than the U.K. and therefore one assumes that Fracking/Shale Gas Mining would be a more
viable investment than in the U.K.) that the DECC chooses to ignore their reasons for the bans; the decision that they choose not to despoil the environment in their countries and instead to gain financially by Fracking and Mining in the U.K. with the help of U.K. Government Tax Incentives ?

Yours faithfully,

M. Johnston