Fox hunting
Dear Northumbria Police,
1. Has there been any correspondence of any kind in the last three years relating to trail hunting between this police force and the Countryside Alliance, Master of Foxhounds Association or the Hunting Office?
2. Has this police force, in the last 3 years, offered any advice to local fox hunts on how to avoid being accused of illegal hunting by hunt monitors and saboteurs.
3. If advice has been given in the last 3 years to local fox hunters, the Countryside Alliance or Master of Fox Hounds Association, what was the advice?
Yours faithfully,
Patricia Betty
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
Thank you for your email received today in which you make a request for
information that Northumbria Police may hold in accordance with the
Freedom of Information Act 2000.
We are in the process of dealing with your request and a response should
be provided to you by 30 December 2020 which is in accordance with the
Although every effort will be made to ensure a response is provided within
statutory deadlines, due to current circumstances delays may be
unavoidable. We apologise for any inconvenience and will endeavour to
process your request as quickly as is practicable.
Yours sincerely
Information Management Unit
[1] | [2]
'Northumbria Police will be outstanding in the service we provide'
'We will do this through protecting the Vulnerable, delivering quality
Investigations and applying Problem solving to everything we do to protect
the communities we serve.'
contained in this message and any attachment(s) is confidential and
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information contained herein is strictly prohibited, and is contrary to
the provisions of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act, 1988 and of the
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please visit our website -
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1. file:///tmp/
2. file:///tmp/
Provision of information held by Northumbria Police made under the Freedom
of Information Act 2000 (the 'Act')
Thank you for your email dated 27 November 2020 in which you made a
request for access to certain information which may be held by Northumbria
As you may be aware the purpose of the Act is to allow a general right of
access to information held at the time of a request, by a Public Authority
(including the Police), subject to certain limitations and exemptions.
We have now had the opportunity to fully consider your request and I
provide a response for your attention.
Following receipt of your request, searches were conducted with the
Operations Department of Northumbria Police. I can confirm that the
information you have requested is not held by Northumbria Police.
You asked:
1. Has there been any correspondence of any kind in the last three
years relating to trail hunting between this police force and the
Countryside Alliance, Master of Foxhounds Association or the Hunting
No information held. Enquiries with the Northumbria Police Wildlife
Co-ordinator and Wildlife Crime Officers confirmed they have had no
correspondence with the Countryside Alliance, Master of Foxhounds
Association or the Hunting Office on the matter of trail hunting, in the
last three years.
2. Has this police force, in the last 3 years, offered any advice to
local fox hunts on how to avoid being accused of illegal hunting by hunt
monitors and saboteurs.
No information held. Again enquiries with the Northumbria Police Wildlife
Co-ordinator and Wildlife Crime Officers confirmed no so such advice has
been sought or given in the last three years.
3. If advice has been given in the last 3 years to local fox hunters,
the Countryside Alliance or Master of Fox Hounds Association, what was the
Not applicable; see response above.
Due to the different methods of recording information across 43 forces, a
specific response from one constabulary should not be seen as an
indication of what information could be supplied (within cost) by another.
Systems used for recording these figures are not generic, nor are the
procedures used locally in capturing the data. For this reason responses
between forces may differ, and should not be used for comparative
The information we have supplied to you is likely to contain intellectual
property rights of Northumbria Police. Your use of the information must be
strictly in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as
amended) or such other applicable legislation. In particular, you must not
re-use this information for any commercial purpose.
You may be interested to know that Northumbria Police routinely publish
information via the Disclosure Log. The aim of the Disclosure Log is to
promote openness and transparency by voluntarily placing information into
the public arena.
The Disclosure Log contains copies of some of the information that has
been disclosed by Northumbria Police in response to requests made under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Whilst it is not possible to publish all responses we will endeavour to
publish those where we feel that the information disclosed is in the wider
public interest.
The Disclosure Log will be updated once responses have been sent to the
I have provided the relevant link below.
How to complain
If you are unhappy with our decision or do not consider that we have
handled your request properly and we are unable to resolve this issue
informally, you are entitled to make a formal complaint to us under our
complaints procedure, attached.
If you are still unhappy after we have investigated your complaint and
reported to you the outcome, you may complain directly to the Information
Commissioner’s Office and request that they investigate to ascertain
whether we have dealt with your request in accordance with the Act.
Yours sincerely
Michael Cleugh
Data Protection and Disclosure Advisor
'Northumbria Police will be outstanding in the service we provide'
'We will do this through protecting the Vulnerable, delivering quality
Investigations and applying Problem solving to everything we do to protect
the communities we serve.'
contained in this message and any attachment(s) is confidential and
intended only for the attention of the named organisation or individual to
whom it is addressed. The message may contain information that is covered
by legal, professional or other privilege. No mistake in transmission is
intended to waive or compromise any such privilege. This message has been
sent over public networks and the sender cannot be held responsible for
its integrity. If you are not the intended recipient be aware that any
disclosure, copying, distribution or action taken in reliance of the
information contained herein is strictly prohibited, and is contrary to
the provisions of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act, 1988 and of the
Data Protection Act, 2018. Any views expressed are those of the sender
and, unless specifically stated, do not necessarily represent the view of
Northumbria Police. We cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage
sustained as a result of software viruses. It is your responsibility to
carry out such virus checking as is necessary. If you have received this
message in error, please notify the sender by e-mail at once and delete
the message immediately. For more information about Northumbria Police
please visit our website -
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