Foster Care Statistics by Council Area for Scotland

This request has been withdrawn by the person who made it. There may be an explanation in the correspondence below.

The Ferret Media Ltd

To whom it may concern,

Please treat the following request as a Freedom of Information request. I am looking to obtain figures and facts surrounding the foster care sector. Please see the questions below.

1. How many people have registered to become a foster carer in the last 3 years? and of this number, how many have quit within 2 years of being registered?

2. What is the average annual cost per young person in residential care of looking after them in placements in the council area, compared with outside the council area? What is the average annual cost per young person in residential care of looking after them in placements in the council area, compared with outside the council area?

3. How many children that are looked after by the council and in residential care in the council area are in accommodation provided by third-party providers? Please provide the address of each facility, the name of each third-party provider, the total amount paid to each provider and the number of young people placed with each provider.

4. How many children that are looked after by the council and in residential care outside the council area are in accommodation provided by third-party providers? Please provide the address of each facility, the name of each third-party provider, the total amount paid to each provider and the number of young people placed with each provider.

Please do not provide the requested information in pdf format files. Please supply them in a machine-readable format such as CSV or Microsoft Excel.

Yours faithfully,

The Ferret Media Ltd

Gillian Cornet, Fife Council

Dear The Ferret Media,




Thank you for your information request received on 03/07/2023 our ref
FCIR: 46675 relating to foster care statistics. This is being dealt with
in terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.


We are presently assessing your request and may be in touch soon to ask
for further clarification or to offer advice and assistance if we are not
able to fulfil your request in its present form.


The legislation allows us up to 20 working days from the date that we
receive a valid request, including any clarification we require, to make a
final response.  We will be in touch within 20 working days of receipt of
your initial request to provide our response or to seek clarification
where necessary.  We hope to provide you with the information you are
looking for at an earlier date where possible.


Yours sincerely,




Gillian Cornet | Improvement Assistant

Information Management & Requests Team | Customer & Online Services | Fife
Council | Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes, Fife KY7 5LT

Email:  [1][email address]


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Fife Council

Dear The Ferret Media,


Thank you for your email requesting information received on 03/07/2023 our reference FCIR: 46675 relating to Registered Foster Carers.

For your request to be valid your full name must be included in the main text of the request.

The following link provides guidance on how to make a valid request:

Your full name can be one of the following combinations: Your first name and surname (e.g. Jane Smith), or first initial and surname (e.g. J Smith), or title and surname (e.g. Mrs Smith).

A first name without a full surname is not valid and it is not adequate to rely on your name being visible in an email address.

Could I therefore ask you to re-submit your request to myself at [email address] quoting our reference: FCIR 46675, to include your surname in the body of the email.

Yours sincerely

S Guthrie
Information Management & Requests Team