Foster care allowances 2023/24

The request was successful.

The Fostering Network

Dear East Ayrshire Council,

We are seeking to understand the way in which your foster carers are being paid in your service. The department which would know this information would be within social services in your fostering team.

The information we require is:

For your mainstream foster carer population (general/unconnected carers) the basic weekly allowances paid for 2023/24 per age bracket for all age bands. NOT including any fee/reward element for foster carers.

Please detail any other allowances paid for children living in mainstream foster care in addition to their weekly allowance, for example religious festival, holiday, birthday, other. Please detail the amount paid and the frequency foster carers can receive these.

Please detail any additional allowances or fees paid to for children with additional support needs or disabilities.

Your current fee/reward structure for mainstream foster carers (NB this is different to allowances for the child). Please include:

i) Details of the levels/bands for carers and how much you pay per week at each level/band.

ii) The number of mainstream foster carers on each level/band, including those that receive no fee on top of the child’s allowance.

Your 2023-24 weekly allowances for former foster carers looking after young people in 16+ Continuing Care arrangements, broken down by year 1, year 2, and year 3 if necessary.

Your 2023-24 weekly fee payments for former foster carers looking after young people in 16+ Continuing Care arrangements, broken down by year 1, year 2, and year 3 if necessary.

Yours faithfully,
Sammy Matthews
The Fostering Network

Freedom Of Information, East Ayrshire Council

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MND Scotland is the leading charity in Scotland providing care and support
to people affected by Motor Neurone Disease (MND), as well as funding
vital research into finding a cure. 

Please consider donating to the Provost’s chosen charity for the next two
years to help people living with Motor Neurone Disease.



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Lannie, Francis, East Ayrshire Council

2 Attachments


Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.


Kind regards,


Francis Lannie


Information Governance Officer



MND Scotland is the leading charity in Scotland providing care and support
to people affected by Motor Neurone Disease (MND), as well as funding
vital research into finding a cure. 

Please consider donating to the Provost’s chosen charity for the next two
years to help people living with Motor Neurone Disease.



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