Foster care allowances
Dear East Ayrshire Council,
Please could you tell me your 2021-22 weekly foster care allowances for all age bands, NOT including any fee/reward element for foster carers.
Please detail any allowances that ALL foster carers can claim in addition to their weekly allowance, e.g. holiday allowance or mileage.
Please could you tell me your 2021-22 weekly allowances for former foster carers looking after young people in 16+/18+ Continuing Care arrangements, broken down by year 1, year 2, and year 3+ if necessary.
Yours faithfully,
Eve Hatcher
The Fostering Network
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FOI Team.
Dear East Ayrshire Council,
Please may you respond to our request as soon as possible.
Please could you tell me your 2021-22 weekly foster care allowances for all age bands, NOT including any fee/reward element for foster carers.
Please detail any allowances that ALL foster carers can claim in addition to their weekly allowance, e.g. holiday allowance or mileage.
Please could you tell me your 2021-22 weekly allowances for former foster carers looking after young people in 16+/18+ Continuing Care arrangements, broken down by year 1, year 2, and year 3+ if necessary.
Yours faithfully,
Eve Hatcher
The Fostering Network
Thank you for contacting East Ayrshire Council. This is an automated
response to advise you that your email has been received.
Due to the situation regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources within the
Council are being prioritised and it may take longer, than the standard
timescale of responding within 20 workings days, to reply to your freedom
of information request. Your request will be responded to in due course
unless you inform us that you have withdrawn your request at this
If your enquiry concerns any other matter, your email will be passed to
relevant section for appropriate action to be taken.
FOI Team.
Dear Ms Hatcher,
Freedom of Information Request
Further to your recent request made under the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002. Please find attached a response on behalf of East
Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership.
This response is being provided under the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002. This Act allows East Ayrshire Council to provide
information even where it may be protected by copyright. Any re-use of
this information may infringe the copyright of East Ayrshire Council or a
third party. Before making any re-use of the information you should seek
the permission of the copyright owner.
If you are dissatisfied with the way in which your request has been dealt
with, you have certain rights, as set out in the attached Review Procedure
Yours sincerely,
Francis Lannie
Information Governance Officer
Ext: 5296
Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.
Kind regards,
Francis Lannie
Information Governance Officer
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