Foster care allowances

The request was successful.

The Fostering Network

Dear Aberdeenshire Council,

Please could you tell me your 2021-22 weekly foster care allowances for all age bands, NOT including any fee/reward element for foster carers.

Please detail any allowances that ALL foster carers can claim in addition to their weekly allowance, e.g. holiday allowance or mileage.

Please could you tell me your 2021-22 weekly allowances for former foster carers looking after young people in 16+/18+ Continuing Care arrangements, broken down by year 1, year 2, and year 3+ if necessary.

Yours faithfully,
Eve Hatcher

The Fostering Network

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However, for requests of a complex nature it could take us up to 40
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Social Work, Aberdeenshire Council

Dear Ms Eve Hatcher


Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (“The Act”)


We refer to your request dated 17/11/2021 13:10, for the following
information FOI 2021-22 weekly foster care allowances. 


We confirm that the Council holds the following information, which we
believe satisfies your request


Please could you tell me your 2021-22 weekly foster care allowances for
all age bands, NOT including any fee/reward element for foster carers.

|Age Band |Current Weekly Allowance |
|0 - 4 |£150.12 |
|5 - 10 |£170.65 |
|11 - 15 |£212.12 |
|16 - 20 |£258.14 |

Please detail any allowances that ALL foster carers can claim in addition
to their weekly allowance, e.g. holiday allowance or mileage.

Foster Carers will receive an additional 4 weeks age-related allowance
throughout the year for:- Birthday, July Holiday, August Holiday and


Foster carers will also receive a Skills Payment based on their
skills/level of training:

|Skills Level |Current Weekly Allowance |
|Level 1 |£163.23 |
|Level 2 |£253.87 |
|Level 3 |£337.95 |
|Level4 |£538.13 |


Foster carers can claim for clothing if the child is first placed with
them but does not have sufficient clothing for the initial placement,
subject to agreement with children’s social worker/team manager.

Mileage can be claimed but there are restrictions. Please see the guidance
for foster carer’s below:


The fostering allowance includes an element for travelling costs, which
are part of the normal family expenditure. Travel costs that are beyond
the normal pattern of family living can be considered.


Travel included within the allowance and therefore cannot be claimed:

o Normal trips to medical and other associated appointments if within a
20 -mile radius.
o Transport to and from school where the school is less than 10 miles
from the foster care home. However school or public transport should
be used where available. Taking and collecting the child from social
o Where a placed child attracts the mobility element of DLA this will
include related additional travel costs and Foster Carers will not be
able to claim additional travel expenses in the respect of the child.


Travel costs that could be claimed:

o Travel to and from school that is more than 10 miles from the foster
home and where the child is not entitled to a school bus pass. A
protocol exists between Education and Social Work regarding transport
for education of Looked After Children. If it is agreed that a child
will remain at a previous school in their home community for
continuity of education, transport will be funded by Education for the
first 3 months and thereafter jointly funded by Education and Social

o Travel to and from contact meetings
o Attendance at reviews and meetings associated with the care of the
o Attendance at training provided by Aberdeenshire Council
o Where public transport is used, costs will be met in full, however
receipts MUST be attached to the claim.

Please could you tell me your 2021-22 weekly allowances for former foster
carers looking after young people in 16+/18+ Continuing Care arrangements,
broken down by year 1, year 2, and year 3+ if necessary.
Continuing Care – foster carers are paid at the same age rates as above. 
A 20% reduction up to a maximum of £50pw would be made for any that have
part time/full time jobs.


Please contact me as the officer responsible for responding to your
request if you have any further queries.


If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with this response, please refer
to the further information attached.

Yours faithfully

Freedom of Information Co-ordinator
Health & Social Care Partnership

Further Information:
Aberdeenshire Council’s Review Procedure under the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002 and the Environmental Information (Scotland)
Regulations 2004 can be accessed at the following link:



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e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and notify the sender,
deleting the e-mail afterwards. Any views or opinions presented are solely
those of the e-mail's author and do not necessarily represent those of
Aberdeenshire Council.

Dh’fhaodadh fiosrachadh sochaire, a tha a-mhàin airson an neach gu bheil
am post-dealain air a chur, a bhith an seo. Ma tha thu air am post-dealain
fhaighinn mar mhearachd, gabh ar leisgeul agus cuir fios chun an neach a
chuir am post-dealain agus dubh às am post-dealain an dèidh sin. ’S e
beachdan an neach a chuir am post-dealain a tha ann an gin sam bith a
thèid a chur an cèill agus chan eil e a’ ciallachadh gu bheil iad a’
riochdachadh beachdan Chomhairle Shiorrachd Obar Dheathain.



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