Foster Care Allowance Model Scheme

The request was partially successful.

Alastair Scott-McKinley

Dear Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland,

I am writing to make a request for all the following information which I am entitled to under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I have requested this information from the Department of Health, they have advised that they do not have this information and they have directed me to the Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland advising that this body set foster care allowances.

Please can you provide
1) A copy of the Foster Care Allowances model scheme for the tax year April 2021 to April 2022
2) Details of the most recent review of the foster care allowances model scheme,
a) when did this review take place?
b) what aspects of the model scheme did the review cover?
c) Was this review an uprating (adjustment for inflation etc) or a rebasing (recalculation using original methodology)?
3) Details concerning how frequently an ‘uprating’ review of the model scheme occurs and when this is next is due? Dates when each 'uprating' review has taken place in the last five years.
4) Details concerning how frequently a ‘rebasing’ review of the model scheme occurs and when this is next is due.
5) A copy of the original ‘rebasing’ methodology used to calculate the foster care allowances as outlined the model scheme.
6) When did the last ‘rebasing’ of the foster care model scheme occur? Dates when each 'rebasing' review has taken place in the last five years.
7) Details of the last update of the methodology used to ‘rebase’, calculate the foster care allowances outlined in the model scheme
8) If no Northern Ireland specific methodology is used to calculate foster care allowances, how are the Northern Ireland Foster Care Allowances set or on what criteria are the allowances based and agreed.
9) Details (name, job title, organisation) of the group/ committee/ individuals responsible for calculating/ setting the foster care allowances within the model scheme (most recent review if this changes regularly).
10) A copy of the most recent consultation or research with foster carers on the adequacy of the foster care allowances as set out in the model scheme
11) A copy of the most recent consultation or research with fostering providers on the adequacy of the foster care allowances as set out in the model scheme
12) If there is no consultation/ research with foster carers or fostering providers on the adequacy of the foster care allowances as set out in the models scheme, please can you outline a timeframe for when such consultation/ research with each will take place?
13) A copy of the equality screening or equality impact assessment for the foster care allowances model scheme.

I would like the above information to be provided to me as an electronic copy.

If the request is too broad or unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me as I understand under the Act you are required to advise and assist requesters. If any of the information is already in the public domain, please send it to me directly with page references or URLs when necessary.

If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance under the section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine the request.

I understand that you are required to respond to my request within 20 working days after receiving this request. I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing you have received this request.

I love forward to hearing from you soon,

Yours faithfully,

Alastair Scott-McKinley

David Johnston, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

1 Attachment

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Dear Mr Scott-McKinley,


Ref: Freedom of Information Request: No. FOI 1275 21


Thank you for your request for information. Your request was received by
the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) on 18^th August 2021. Your request
will be processed under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000,
within the statutory timescale of 20 working days.


The leaflet attached is provided for your information and tells you about
the legislation and our procedures for dealing with requests for


If you have any queries about this communication, please do not hesitate
to contact me.  It would be helpful if you could quote the reference
number above in any future communications relating to this request for


I trust you find this helpful.


Yours sincerely,



Sent by David Johnston on behalf of



Mr Peter Moran

Assistant Information Governance Manager


Western Office

show quoted sections

Alastair Scott-McKinley

Dear David Johnston,
In addition to the requested information please could I ask that you also provide a copy of the Foster Care Allowances (model scheme or equivalent) for the last five years (2019/20, 2018/19, 2017/18, 2016/17, 2015/16)
Yours sincerely,

Alastair Scott-McKinley

Peter Moran, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

1 Attachment

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”



show quoted sections

Alastair Scott-McKinley

Dear Peter Moran,
Thank you for the update.
I look forward to hearing from you in October.
Yours sincerely,
Alastair Scott-McKinley

Alastair Scott-McKinley

Dear Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland's handling of my FOI request 'Foster Care Allowance Model Scheme'.

There has been a significant delay in providing the information first requested 18.08.2021. This has exceeded the extension request (22.10.21) which you advised on 24.09.2021.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Alastair Scott-McKinley

David Johnston, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Dear Mr Scott-McKinley,


I write in respect of your communication of 22^nd October 2021 in respect
of your request of 18^th August 2021 , our reference number FOI 1275 21.


Let me apologise for the delay. You will appreciate that Health and Social
Care staff are actively involved in tackling the impact COVID 19 continues
to have on our resident population, and delays are to be expected as that
task is prioritised, this includes our colleagues in Social Care.


In respect of your request, a draft response has been prepared and is
currently with colleagues for review prior to it being released to you.


Once the review and approval process has been completed, the response will
be released to you. If you are unhappy with that response, you are then
entitled to seek an internal review.


I would also add that significant staff resources have already been
directed to the task of developing this draft and another Freedom of
Information request which has a similar focus.


I appreciate your patience to date, and will have your response with you
as soon as possible.




Sent by David Johnston on behalf of


Mr Peter Moran

Assistant Information Governance Manager


Western Offices



show quoted sections

Alastair Scott-McKinley

Dear David/ Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland,
Thank you for your update received today 01.11.2021. Please can you forward the information requested when the draft has been reviewed. I would like proceed with my request for internal review dated 22.10.2021.

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland's handling of my FOI request 'Foster Care Allowance Model Scheme'.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Alastair Scott-McKinley

Peter Moran, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Mr Scott-McKinley

Internal reviews are a routine part of the FOI process and are available to an applicant in respect of the initial response received. An internal review addresses issues in respect of the administrative aspects of the process and whether a request was acknowledged on time and whether the response was issued on time, as well as looking at the response itself and any concerns the applicant may have about that response.

If you wish an internal review to be initiated at this point in the process, that review would be limited to your concern in respect of the time that has passed since your request was received.

Your correspondence will be passed to Mr Kenneth Moore, and Mr Moore will decide if he is willing to initiate an internal review at this point in the process and in the absence of the yet to be published initial response.


Mr Peter Moran
Assistant Information Governance Manager
Western Offices

show quoted sections

Peter Moran, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Mr Scott-McKinley

Mr Kenneth Moore has agreed to initiate the internal review you sought.

Mr Moore will be in contact in due course


Mr Peter Moran
Assistant Information Governance Manager
Western Offices

show quoted sections

Alastair Scott-McKinley

Dear Peter Moran,
Thank you for the update on the internal review.
Please can you advise has the draft information be reviewed and do you know when it will be released?
Yours sincerely,
Alastair Scott-McKinley

Peter Moran, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Mr Scott-McKinley

I have been advised that I can expect a conversation with relevant officers in the coming days. Once that conversation has taken place, and outstanding queries have been clarified, I will be in a better position to advise on the anticipated release date

I trust that is helpful


Mr Peter Moran
Assistant Information Governance Manager
Western Offices

show quoted sections

David Johnston, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

8 Attachments

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Dear Mr Scott-McKinley,


Please find attached the response to your recent request for information.

Please accept my apologies for the delay in providing you with our
response on this occasion.




Sent by David Johnston on behalf of


Mr Peter Moran

Assistant Information Governance Manager


Western Office


show quoted sections

Alastair Scott-McKinley

Dear David Johnston,
Thank you so much for your reply and thank you very much for the information supplied.
Please pass on my thanks to the staff involved in providing this information.

One question I would like to seek further clarification on please. You responded:
"Point 9.
You sought information relating to, “Details (name, job title, organisation) of the
group/ committee/ individuals responsible for calculating/ setting the foster care
allowances within the model scheme (most recent review if this changes

These matters are taken forward by the Director of Finance and the approval
mechanism is via the HSCB Senior Management Team (SMT)."

I would be grateful if you could answer the original question concerning who is involved in calculating the allowances
1) “Details (name, job title, organisation) of the group/ committee/ individuals responsible for calculating the foster care allowances within the model scheme (most recent review if this changes regularly).”
2) Thank you for the information concerning the approval mechanism related to allowances. Please provide the name of the Director of Finance and also please provide the names, job title, organisation of the HSCB Senior Management Team (SMT) involved in the approval mechanism.
3) Please can you clarify if the approval mechanism involves approval of the Foster Care Allowance Model Scheme by the HSCB Board of Directors or any tasked sub committee?
4) Please can you clarify if anyone external to the Health and Social Care Board is involved in advising on, calculating, or setting of the Foster Care Allowance Model Scheme. If so please provide their name, job title, and organisation.

Many Thanks for your assistance in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Alastair Scott-McKinley

David Johnston, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Mr Scott-McKinley,

Thank you for your email below. I have forwarded this to the Assistant Information Governance Manager for consideration/action and will be in contact in due course.


David Johnston
Information Governance Support Officer

show quoted sections

David Johnston, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Mr Scott-McKinley,

Further to my email below I just wanted to update you that your below request for clarification has been forwarded to Mr Ken Moore, Information Governance Manager, HSCB.
Mr Moore is taking forward your request for internal review regarding FOI 1275 21, and has been asked to consider your below communication as part of that process.


David Johnston
Information Governance Support Officer

show quoted sections

Alastair Scott-McKinley

Ref: Freedom of Information Request: No. FOI 1275 21
Dear David Johnston,
I would be grateful if you could provide an update on my request for an internal review dated 22nd October.
Please can you advise if there is a target date for completion of the internal review.
Yours sincerely,
Alastair Scott-McKinley

David Johnston, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Mr Scott-McKinley,

Thank you for your email below. I have passed this to Mr Ken Moore, Information Governance Manager, HSCB ([email address] - copied in here), as the officer responsible for taking forward your request for Internal Review.

I apologise for the delay at present however I would advise that HSCB staff are currently heavily prioritised in work associated with the pandemic response, specifically the COVID Certification process. Unfortunately we are unable to provide an expected date of completion at present however Mr Moore will be in touch in due course.


David Johnston
Information Governance Support Officer

show quoted sections

Alastair Scott-McKinley

Dear David Johnston,

Ref: Freedom of Information Request: No. FOI 1275 21
I would be grateful if you could provide an update on my request for an internal review dated 22nd October.
Please can you advise if there is a target date for completion of the internal review.

In addition concerning my clarification request, has there been any update on this.

Yours sincerely,
Alastair Scott-McKinley

Alastair Scott-McKinley

Dear David Johnston,
Ref: Freedom of Information Request: No. FOI 1275 21
I would be grateful if you could provide an update on my request for an internal review dated 22nd October.

In addition, I would be grateful if you could advise concerning my clarification request (date 17.11.2021 outlined again below), has there been any update on this.

On question I would like to seek further clarification on please. You responded:
"Point 9.
You sought information relating to, “Details (name, job title, organisation) of the
group/ committee/ individuals responsible for calculating/ setting the foster care
allowances within the model scheme (most recent review if this changes

These matters are taken forward by the Director of Finance and the approval
mechanism is via the HSCB Senior Management Team (SMT)."

I would be grateful if you could answer the original question concerning who is involved in calculating the allowances
1) “Details (name, job title, organisation) of the group/ committee/ individuals responsible for calculating the foster care allowances within the model scheme (most recent review if this changes regularly).”
2) Thank you for the information concerning the approval mechanism related to allowances. Please provide the name of the Director of Finance and also please provide the names, job title, organisation of the HSCB Senior Management Team (SMT) involved in the approval mechanism.
3) Please can you clarify if the approval mechanism involves approval of the Foster Care Allowance Model Scheme by the HSCB Board of Directors or any tasked sub committee?
4) Please can you clarify if anyone external to the Health and Social Care Board is involved in advising on, calculating, or setting of the Foster Care Allowance Model Scheme. If so please provide their name, job title, and organisation.

Many Thanks for your assistance

Yours sincerely,
Alastair Scott-McKinley

Ken Moore, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Dear Mr Scott-McKinley,


My colleague David Johnston has passed on your recent messages seeking an
update in regard to the internal review which you requested on 22 October
2021. Please accept my apologies for the delay in completing the review.
Work has now commenced and I hope to have a response with you no later
than Monday 31^st January 2022. Your request for further clarification
will be addressed as part of the review.


Yours sincerely


Ken Moore  


Ken Moore | Information Governance Manager | Governance & Safety
Directorate |  Health and Social Care Board | Towerhill | Armagh | BT61
9DR | Northern Ireland | Tel: D: 442895362912 | M: 07500667023



show quoted sections

Ken Moore, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

1 Attachment

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Dear Mr Scott-McKinley,


Please find attached the Internal Review in respect of the concerns raised
by you on 22/10/21 regarding the processing of your request for
information (FOI 1275 21) by the Health and Social Care Board.


Yours sincerely


Ken Moore

Ken Moore | Information Governance Manager | Governance & Safety
Directorate |  Health and Social Care Board | Towerhill | Armagh | BT61
9DR | Northern Ireland | Tel: D: 442895362912 | M: 07500667023


From: Ken Moore
Sent: 19 January 2022 08:56
To: '[FOI #783538 email]'
Subject: FW: FOI 1275 21 Response


Dear Mr Scott-McKinley,


My colleague David Johnston has passed on your recent messages seeking an
update in regard to the internal review which you requested on 22 October
2021. Please accept my apologies for the delay in completing the review.
Work has now commenced and I hope to have a response with you no later
than Monday 31^st January 2022. Your request for further clarification
will be addressed as part of the review.


Yours sincerely


Ken Moore  


Ken Moore | Information Governance Manager | Governance & Safety
Directorate |  Health and Social Care Board | Towerhill | Armagh | BT61
9DR | Northern Ireland | Tel: D: 442895362912 | M: 07500667023



show quoted sections

Alastair Scott-McKinley

Dear Ken Moore,
Thank you for your reply and apology.
I am disappointed by the response, but I would like to thank you and your team for for the time taken to process the original request and review the HSCB's response.
Yours sincerely,
Alastair Scott-McKinley

Ken Moore, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

3 Attachments

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Dear Mr Scott-McKinley,


Please find attached a letter from the Department of Health in relation to
concerns you raised with the Information Commissioners Office regarding a
Freedom of Information request (FOI 1275 21) to the Health and Social care
Board (HSCB).


Yours sincerely


Ken Moore


Ken Moore | Information Governance Manager | Strategic Planning and
Performance Group (SPPG) - HSCNI Southern Office | Towerhill | ARMAGH |
BT61 9DR |

Tel: 0300 555 0115 Ext 2912  D: 028 9536 2912 | M: 07500667023 | Email:
[1][email address]






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