Former chief executive Laurence Mackenzie

The request was partially successful.

Dear Department for Regional Development (Northern Ireland),

I wish to have of a copy of the exact job description advertised for the post of Chief Executive of Northern Ireland Water that Mr MacKenzie responded to and this includes any amendments and or readvertisments.

I wish to have a copy of the exact Contract Mr MacKenzie signed prior to taking up the post and wish to be informed if there were any additional terms negotiated.

I wish to have a copy of the exact terms and conditions Mr MacKenzie agreed to and wish to be made aware of any additional terms and conditions that were negotiated.

I wish to have a copy of Mr MacKenzies letter of resignation and wish to be made of what renumeration he was entitled and or negotiated upon his resignation.

Yours faithfully,

Aaron Kelso

McGlennon, Stephen,

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Kelso,

Please find enclosed a copy of our information leaflet and an
acknowledgement letter.

Kind regards.

Stephen McGlennon
northern ireland water
Information Management Unit (IMU),
15th Floor,
Windsor House,
9-15 Bedford Street,
Telephone: 02890 354813 Ext: 29031
Fax: 02890 357642 (29030)
Web: [1]

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McGlennon, Stephen,

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Kelso.

Please find attached NI Waters response to your query.


Stephen McGlennon
northern ireland water
Information Management Unit (IMU),
15th Floor,
Windsor House,
9-15 Bedford Street,
Telephone: 02890 354813 Ext: 29031
Fax: 02890 357642 (29030)
Web: [1]

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