Former chief executive Laurence Mackenzie
Dear Department for Regional Development (Northern Ireland),
I wish to have of a copy of the exact job description advertised for the post of Chief Executive of Northern Ireland Water that Mr MacKenzie responded to and this includes any amendments and or readvertisments.
I wish to have a copy of the exact Contract Mr MacKenzie signed prior to taking up the post and wish to be informed if there were any additional terms negotiated.
I wish to have a copy of the exact terms and conditions Mr MacKenzie agreed to and wish to be made aware of any additional terms and conditions that were negotiated.
I wish to have a copy of Mr MacKenzies letter of resignation and wish to be made of what renumeration he was entitled and or negotiated upon his resignation.
Yours faithfully,
Aaron Kelso
Dear Mr Kelso,
Please find enclosed a copy of our information leaflet and an
acknowledgement letter.
Kind regards.
Stephen McGlennon
northern ireland water
Information Management Unit (IMU),
15th Floor,
Windsor House,
9-15 Bedford Street,
Telephone: 02890 354813 Ext: 29031
Fax: 02890 357642 (29030)
Web: [1]
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Dear Mr Kelso.
Please find attached NI Waters response to your query.
Stephen McGlennon
northern ireland water
Information Management Unit (IMU),
15th Floor,
Windsor House,
9-15 Bedford Street,
Telephone: 02890 354813 Ext: 29031
Fax: 02890 357642 (29030)
Web: [1]
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