Formation date of 62 (2nd Glasgow) and 122 (5th Glasgow) Squadrons ATC
Dear Air Cadet Organisation,
I would like any information held at HQAC about the formation of 62 (2nd Glasgow) and 122 (5th Glasgow) Squadron ATC and any detached Flights which these Squadrons may have had or previously been itself.
Specifically I am looking for: formation date, strength of the Squadrons on formation and original location of Squadrons on formation. I would also like to know if both squadrons have previously had any detached flights or been a detached flight itself.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Staunton
Dear Mr Staunton,
Your request has been logged under our reference 2016/04418 and the target
date for response is 18/05/2016.
Yours sincerely
Air Director Resources Secretariat
Dear Mr Staunton
Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information
Yours sincerely
Air Director Resources Secretariat
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