[1]brentlogo1 (227×84) Tel: 02089376477
Email: [email address]
Web: [2]https://www.brent.gov.uk/your-council/
Our Ref: IRC-25949-T1D3Z1
Dear Da...
Dear Sandra Vogel
Freedom of Information Act 2000 / Environmental Information Regulations
2004 Information request
We have now conside...
Dear Mr Burton
Further to my email of 19 September, please find attached redacted
versions of the requested consultation response documents.
Kind re...
Jo Thorne
Customer Team Officer
Putting the customer at the heart of everything we do.
Email: [1][email address]
Complaints line: 030...
Information request
Our reference: 41478231
Dear Mr Hiscox,
Further to my first email, please see attached part 2 of the ITM, for your information.
Kind regards,
Matt Dunkley-Roberts
Debbie Marsh
Corporate Governance Manager
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920
Here it is
Kevin Plummer
Customer Quality Team | The Planning Inspectorate | 3H Eagle Wing
Temple Quay House | 2 The Square | Temple Quay | Bristol BS...
Part 2
Environmental Permitting
England and Wales
What’s New since the last version
Changes highlighted in yellow made 16 Nov 2018...
Classification: OFFICIAL
Dear Christina
Thank you for your recent FOI request. I would be grateful if you could
kindly clarify the information...
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
Kind regards.
Freedom of Information Officer
Tel: 01626 215111
Amanda Peck
Principal Planning Officer
Telephone: 020 7974 5885
Dear Mr Lewis,
Please see attached part 2 of the ITM, for your information.
Kind regards,
Matt Dunkley-Roberts
Customer Team Officer...
Dear Aqib
Further to my previous e-mail, please find attached the second part of the Inspector Training Manual. The third part will be attached to a f...
Dear Mr Bolton
Apologies for the delay with this reply. Please find attached response
letter with accompanying spreadsheets.
Kind regards...
Dear Ms Reeves
Further to my previous e-mail, please find attached the second part of the Inspector Training Manual.
Chris Pritchard
Planning Inspect...
Dear Mr Drew
Further to my previous e-mail, please find attached the second part of the Inspector Training Manual.
Mr Woodward
Thank you for your request for information. Please find our response
You asked for the following information:
Dear Dr Newman,
Re: Freedom of Information Request, Oxford City Council – Reference: FOI19652
Further to the acknowledgement below, please see attach...
Dear Mr Finch
Please see attached response to your request for information.
(See attached file: UDP FOI response JS.doc)
Please also see below attac...
Dear Jon Reardon Smith
Thank you for your e-mail, requesting information from the Planning
Please find a response attac...
Dear A Muscroft,
Following our previous exchanges and your inability to access the PDF
documents attached to my emails, I am now attempting to s...
Dear J. Day,
Thank you for contacting the Planning Inspectorate.
Your request has been considered under the Freedom of Information Act
Dear J. Day,
I am uncertain why you are unable to access/did not receive the PDF
documents as my record shows they were sent.
I am therefo...
1 September 2009
Our Ref: FOI3264
Jon Hickman
[FOI #16937 email]
Dear Mr Hickman
I am writing in respect of your recent enquiry requesting info...