Fordwich Close redevelopment - CB4
Dear 3C Shared Services,
Hope You are well.
Can you please let me know how many flats are being planned as part of Fordwich Close redevelopment ( or known as Aylesborough close maybe to you) . How many one and two bedroom flats are planned. My property at 07 Fordwich close is directly opposite that investment. I would like to know how many of those proposed flats will be owned by Cambridge City Council , how many by housing associations. How many will be available via Shared Ownership and how many will be available to purchase on the market. If you do not know then please tell me when will you know. I am not happy with answer along the lines…. We currently do not have information or sth like that. Thanks.
Kind regards
Marcin Kot
Dear Marcin Kot,
RFI: 12804 (CCC) Fordwich Close redevelopment - CB4
Thank you for your request for information. Your request below will be
forwarded to the appropriate department to answer.
Can you please let me know how many flats are being planned as part of
Fordwich Close redevelopment ( or known as Aylesborough close maybe to
you) . How many one and two bedroom flats are planned. My property at 07
Fordwich close is directly opposite that investment. I would like to know
how many of those proposed flats will be owned by Cambridge City Council ,
how many by housing associations. How many will be available via Shared
Ownership and how many will be available to purchase on the market. If you
do not know then please tell me when will you know. I am not happy with
answer along the lines…. We currently do not have information or sth like
that. Thanks.
We aim to respond to your request as soon as possible and within 20
working days. In the meantime if you have any questions please contact us.
Yours sincerely
Information Management Team
3C Shared Services
For South Cambridgeshire DC - [email address]
For Cambridge City Council -[email address]
For Huntingdonshire DC - [3C Shared Services request email]
3C Shared Services is a strategic partnership between Cambridge City
Council, Huntingdonshire District Council and South Cambridgeshire
District Council
Appeals Process
The Council is committed to transparency and openness, and it is our
intention to comply fully with the laws that govern access to information.
If you have any cause to believe that the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 are not being met by us, please let us know in the
first instance. If you are still dissatisfied you can address your
complaint to the Information Governance Manager, who will undertake an
Internal Review of your case. Further to this you have the subsequent
option to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Provision of this information does not automatically infer the right to
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the copyright of the information provided here, or the information will be
provided under the Open Government Licence (OGL), but the rights to some
information may belong to a third party and if so a re- use licence may be
required. Please contact us for advice.
Dear Marcin Kot,
Re: Request for Information (RFI: 12804) (CCC) Fordwich Close
redevelopment - CB4 Can you ...
Fordwich Close redevelopment - CB4 Can you please let me know how many
flats are being planned as part of Fordwich Close redevelopment ( or known
as Aylesborough close maybe to you) . How many one and two bedroom flats
are planned. My property at 07 Fordwich close is directly opposite that
investment. I would like to know how many of those proposed flats will be
owned by Cambridge City Council , how many by housing associations. How
many will be available via Shared Ownership and how many will be available
to purchase on the market. If you do not know then please tell me when
will you know. I am not happy with answer along the lines…. We currently
do not have information or sth like that. Thanks.
Thank you for your request for information above, which we have dealt with
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I hope the following will answer your query:
The approved development at Aylesborough Close (application reference
22/01995/FUL) consists of a total of 70 residential units.
The approved development includes:
• 37 x 1 bedroom flats
• 29 x 2 bedroom flats
• 4 x 3 bedroom flats
The approved development consists of 100% affordable homes (All 70 units
will be Council owned for social rent).
We aim to provide a high quality service to you and hope that you are
satisfied with this response. If you have any further questions please do
not hesitate to contact us.
Yours sincerely
Information Management Team
3C Shared Services
For South Cambridgeshire DC - [email address]
For Cambridge City Council -[email address]
For Huntingdonshire DC - [3C Shared Services request email]
3C Shared Services is a strategic partnership between Cambridge City
Council, Huntingdonshire District Council and South Cambridgeshire
District Council
Appeals Process
The Council is committed to transparency and openness, and it is our
intention to comply fully with the laws that govern access to information.
If you have any cause to believe that the terms of the FOI Act or EIR
Regulations are not being met by us, please let us know in the first
instance. If you are still dissatisfied you can address your complaint to
the Information Governance Manager who will undertake an Internal Review
of your case. Internal review requests should be submitted within two
months of the date of receipt of the response to your original request.
Further to this you have the subsequent option to contact the Information
Commissioner's Office.
Provision of this information does not automatically infer the right to
copy publish or alter the information. In most cases the Council will own
the copyright of the information provided here, or the information will be
provided under the Open Government Licence (OGL), but the rights to some
information may belong to a third party and if so a re- use licence may be
required. Please contact us for advice.
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