For the 6th time Did UK develope its own Anthrax vaccines for the Gulf War 1990/1991 using the U.S strain of bacteria/culture
Dear Ministry of Defence,
Ok I've been asking the Anthrax strain question for over 12 months now without a reply of straight honest answer required by law !
I have been given the link to irrelevant countermeasures in 1991 twice, i have been asked to clarify the very simple question twice, I was then asked to ask PortonBioPharma Ltd (Established 2015) Which i have done so, where at 1st the reply entailed irrelevant information and the 2nd reply stated the Anthrax vaccine British have used was from the 50's, however they Do Not hold the information surrounding Anthrax Vaccine used on troops Gulf War 1990/1991.
I received a straight answer when i requested if U.S supplied us with Anthrax vaccines 90/91 ? Which was a no and answered very quickly
So the information surrounding the Anthrax vaccine at that time is at hand to be able to answer quickly.
Ever since i've asked if we used the U.S anthrax bacteria strain to develope our own MOD has passed the buck around?
The buck has come back from PortonBioPharma and is now in your lap to answer the question honestly and transparently as required by law and allow the freedom of the information to flow!
The intelligence was at the time that Saddam Hussein/Iraq was in possession of Anthrax developed from the U.S strain/bacteria. So the logical decision would be to develope the Anthrax vaccine against that strain .
So I will try again, Did The UK (Porto Down) use the U.S strain of anthrax bacteria to develope the Anthrax Vaccine for British troops during the Gulf War 90/91. I remind you that PortonBioPharma LTD are claiming they do not hold the information for the 1990/1991 Gulf War vaccines including Anthrax, but someone does within MOD/Porto Down!
MOD were able to state that we were not supplied with U.S developed Anthrax vaccines, so somebody knows the answer to the simple question !
and of course Porton Down will know every detail surrounding that vaccine, they have to know for the lessons learned! (Please do not send links to countermeasures and/or lessons learned or any other irrelevant information.
Simply answer the question
Yes The U.S did supply UK with their strain of Anthrax bacteria for the UK to develope the correct strain and best protection or
No The U.S did not supply their strain of Anthrax bacteria to allow UK to develope the correct strain protection, UK used the 1950's method using a different strain to the U.S.
Thankyou in advance for finally an open, honest and transparent simple answer as required by law allowing the freedom of information to flow freely!
gavin roberts
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