Food & Hygiene Regulations

The request was successful.

Dear Sirs,

Could you please advise which premises in Llangollen required to be rated under the Food Hygiene Rating(Wales) Act, 2013 have appealed against their Rating as displayed on the FSA Wales Web Site?

Those inspected after the 28th November, 2013 are required to display their rating, but it appears from the FSA data that few if any have actually been inspected after this date. Please confirm when such premises in Llangollen are scheduled for inspection particularly those with existing low ratings?

Yours faithfully,

Michael Edwards

Denbighshire County Council

Dear Mr Edwards,

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information

Thank you for your recent request for information held by Denbighshire County Council received 29 January 2014 regarding Llangollen food premises.

As set out by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 it will be our aim to respond to your request by 26 February 2014. In some cases, however, we may be unable to achieve this deadline. If this occurs we will advise you of the likely timescale within which the response will be provided.

Under the Freedom of Information Act the Council may charge for disbursement costs (e.g. photocopies, postage). However should there be any such costs, you will be notified of this prior to the commencement of any work.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further advice or guidance relating to the above.

Yours sincerely,

Kerry Standen
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708246
E-bost:[email address]
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Mae'r wybodaeth a gynhwysir yn yr e-bost hwn ac unrhyw ffeiliau a drosglwyddir gydag o wedi eu bwriadu yn unig ar gyfer pwy bynnag y cyfeirir ef ato neu atynt. Os ydych wedi derbyn yr e-bost hwn drwy gamgymeriad, hysbyswch yr anfonwr ar unwaith os gwelwch yn dda.

Mae cynnwys yr e-bost yn cynrychioli barn yr unigolyn(ion) a enwir uchod ac nid yw o angenrheidrwydd yn cynrychioli barn Cyngor Sir Ddinbych. Serch hynny, fel Corff Cyhoeddus, efallai y bydd angen i Gyngor Sir Ddinbych ddatgelu'r e-bost hwn [neu unrhyw ymateb iddo] dan ddarpariaethau deddfwriaethol.

The information contained in this e-mail message and any files transmitted with it is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the sender immediately.

The contents of this e-mail represents the views of the individual(s) named above and do not necessarily represent the views of Denbighshire County Council. However, as a Public Body, Denbighshire County Council may be required to disclose this e-mail [or any response to it] under legislative provisions.

Denbighshire County Council

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Mae'r wybodaeth a gynhwysir yn yr e-bost hwn ac unrhyw ffeiliau a
drosglwyddir gydag o wedi eu bwriadu yn unig ar gyfer pwy bynnag y
cyfeirir ef ato neu atynt. Os ydych wedi derbyn yr e-bost hwn drwy
gamgymeriad, hysbyswch yr anfonwr ar unwaith os gwelwch yn dda.

Mae cynnwys yr e-bost yn cynrychioli barn yr unigolyn(ion) a enwir uchod
ac nid yw o angenrheidrwydd yn cynrychioli barn Cyngor Sir Ddinbych. Serch
hynny, fel Corff Cyhoeddus, efallai y bydd angen i Gyngor Sir Ddinbych
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The information contained in this e-mail message and any files transmitted
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The contents of this e-mail represents the views of the individual(s)
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be required to disclose this e-mail [or any response to it] under
legislative provisions.

Denbighshire County Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Edwards,

Thank you for your request for information received 29 January 2014 regarding Llangollen food premises.

The process of searching for the information you required is complete. Please see the attached document.

If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.

If you have any concerns about the manner in which the Council has dealt with your request for information please do not hesitate to contact me. Alternatively you can contact the Access to Information Feedback Officer, Records Management, 46 Clwyd Street, Ruthin, LL15 1HP. As I am sure you are aware the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is regulated by the Information Commissioner whose address is Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

The contents of this communication and the enclosed documents are subject to copyright protection. It has been sent to you for your information and you may use it for any private study, non-commercial research or news reporting. Any other re-use, for example commercial publication or publication on a website, requires the permission of this Council. If you wish to re-use this information please contact us, letting us know how you wish to re-use it and what the intended audience will be so that we can consider your request.

Yours sincerely,

Kerry Standen
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708246
E-bost:[email address]
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Dilyn ni ar Twitter:
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Ymwelwch a ni ar-lein ar
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Mae'r wybodaeth a gynhwysir yn yr e-bost hwn ac unrhyw ffeiliau a drosglwyddir gydag o wedi eu bwriadu yn unig ar gyfer pwy bynnag y cyfeirir ef ato neu atynt. Os ydych wedi derbyn yr e-bost hwn drwy gamgymeriad, hysbyswch yr anfonwr ar unwaith os gwelwch yn dda.

Mae cynnwys yr e-bost yn cynrychioli barn yr unigolyn(ion) a enwir uchod ac nid yw o angenrheidrwydd yn cynrychioli barn Cyngor Sir Ddinbych. Serch hynny, fel Corff Cyhoeddus, efallai y bydd angen i Gyngor Sir Ddinbych ddatgelu'r e-bost hwn [neu unrhyw ymateb iddo] dan ddarpariaethau deddfwriaethol.

The information contained in this e-mail message and any files transmitted with it is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the sender immediately.

The contents of this e-mail represents the views of the individual(s) named above and do not necessarily represent the views of Denbighshire County Council. However, as a Public Body, Denbighshire County Council may be required to disclose this e-mail [or any response to it] under legislative provisions.

Dear Madam,

You have failed to answer my original question ie.

How many and which premises in Llangollen have appealed against the rating you have given them?

That is the premises in Llangollen that are currently not obliged to display their rating until such time as the appeal procedure is resolved?

Yours faithfully,

Michael Edwards

Kerry Standen, Denbighshire County Council

Dear Mr Edwards

I have forwarded your email to the Service concerned and have asked for a
timely response.

Yours sincerely

Kerry Standen
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address]
Gwefan [1]
Website [2]

From: Michael Edwards <[FOI #195198 email]>
To: [email address]
Date: 06/02/2014 12:37
Subject: Re: Your Enquiry (Our ref: 2014/3495)


Dear Madam,

You have failed to answer my original question ie.

How many and which premises in Llangollen have appealed against the rating
you have given them?

That is the premises in Llangollen that are currently not obliged to
display their rating until such time as the appeal procedure is resolved?

Yours faithfully,

Michael Edwards

show quoted sections

Kerry Standen, Denbighshire County Council

Dear Mr Edwards

Since the 28th November 2013,  (five) businesses in Llangollen have been
inspected under the new Food Hygiene Rating Scheme.

The following businesses have been inspected and are now outside the scope
for appeal, therefore they must display their score. One of the food
businesses below is a home caterer who is not required to display at their
own home.  They can however use the rating for any promotional material
they use for their business.

Sidals - Score 5
Tyn Dwr Outdoor Centre - Score 5
Winifred Tuxworth (home caterer) - Score 5

The other 2 premises have been inspected within the last 21 days,
therefore they are not obliged to display during this time until the
appeal time of 21 days has passed.  After this time they will be required
to display. Until this time we are not obliged to disclose their rating

To date we have not received any appeal in Llangollen.

Yours sincerely

Kerry Standen
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address]
Gwefan [1]
Website [2]

| If you have any concerns about the manner in which the Council has |
| dealt with your request for information please do not hesitate to |
| contact me. Alternatively you can contact the Access to Information |
| Feedback Officer, Records Management, 46 Clwyd Street, Ruthin, LL15 |
| 1HP. As I am sure you are aware the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is |
| regulated by the Information Commissioner whose address is Wycliffe |
| House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. |

Dilyn ni ar Twitter: Follow us on Twitter: Ymwelwch a ni ar-lein ar Visit us online at Mae'r wybodaeth a gynhwysir yn yr e-bost
hwn ac unrhyw ffeiliau a drosglwyddir gydag o wedi eu bwriadu yn unig ar
gyfer pwy bynnag y cyfeirir ef ato neu atynt. Os ydych wedi derbyn yr
e-bost hwn drwy gamgymeriad, hysbyswch yr anfonwr ar unwaith os gwelwch yn
dda. Mae cynnwys yr e-bost yn cynrychioli barn yr unigolyn(ion) a enwir
uchod ac nid yw o angenrheidrwydd yn cynrychioli barn Cyngor Sir Ddinbych.
Serch hynny, fel Corff Cyhoeddus, efallai y bydd angen i Gyngor Sir
Ddinbych ddatgelu'r e-bost hwn [neu unrhyw ymateb iddo] dan ddarpariaethau
deddfwriaethol. The information contained in this e-mail message and any
files transmitted with it is intended solely for the use of the individual
or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in
error please notify the sender immediately. The contents of this e-mail
represents the views of the individual(s) named above and do not
necessarily represent the views of Denbighshire County Council. However,
as a Public Body, Denbighshire County Council may be required to disclose
this e-mail [or any response to it] under legislative provisions.


Visible links

Michael Edwards left an annotation ()

Please disclose which two premises have been inspected within the last 21 days and have a 21 day appeal period?

Dear Kerry,

I have not received a reply to my annotation left on the 12th February, 2014!

That is which two properties have outstanding issues?

Yours sincerely,

Michael Edwards

Kerry Standen, Denbighshire County Council

Dear Mr Edwards

Thank you for your email. I  have forwarded this to the relevant
department and will send their reply in due course.

Please note that annotations left on [1]
are not forwarded to this Council.

Your sincerely

Kerry Standen
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address]
Gwefan [2]
Website [3]

From: Michael Edwards <[FOI #195198 email]>
To: Kerry Standen <[email address]>
Date: 17/03/2014 09:00
Subject: Internal review of Freedom of Information request - Food &
Hygiene Regulations


Dear Kerry,

I have not received a reply to my annotation left on the 12th February,

That is which two properties have outstanding issues?

Yours sincerely,

Michael Edwards

show quoted sections

Kerry Standen, Denbighshire County Council

Dear Mr Edwards

You asked the following question: That is which two properties have
outstanding issues?

We have assumed that you are referring to the two premises detailed in our
response of the 12^th February below:

“The other 2 premises have been inspected within the last 21 days,
therefore they are not obliged to display during this time until the
appeal time of 21 days has passed. After this time they will be required
to display. Until this time we are not obliged to disclose their rating

We have now scored these two premises:

Simla Tandoori Restaurant, Victoria Square  -  Score is 0

The School Breakfast Club Gwernant - Score is 5

I trust this clarifies and completes this Freedom of Information request.

Yours sincerely

Kerry Standen
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address]
Gwefan [1]
Website [2]

Dilyn ni ar Twitter: Follow us on Twitter: Ymwelwch a ni ar-lein ar Visit us online at Mae'r wybodaeth a gynhwysir yn yr e-bost
hwn ac unrhyw ffeiliau a drosglwyddir gydag o wedi eu bwriadu yn unig ar
gyfer pwy bynnag y cyfeirir ef ato neu atynt. Os ydych wedi derbyn yr
e-bost hwn drwy gamgymeriad, hysbyswch yr anfonwr ar unwaith os gwelwch yn
dda. Mae cynnwys yr e-bost yn cynrychioli barn yr unigolyn(ion) a enwir
uchod ac nid yw o angenrheidrwydd yn cynrychioli barn Cyngor Sir Ddinbych.
Serch hynny, fel Corff Cyhoeddus, efallai y bydd angen i Gyngor Sir
Ddinbych ddatgelu'r e-bost hwn [neu unrhyw ymateb iddo] dan ddarpariaethau
deddfwriaethol. The information contained in this e-mail message and any
files transmitted with it is intended solely for the use of the individual
or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in
error please notify the sender immediately. The contents of this e-mail
represents the views of the individual(s) named above and do not
necessarily represent the views of Denbighshire County Council. However,
as a Public Body, Denbighshire County Council may be required to disclose
this e-mail [or any response to it] under legislative provisions.


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