Food Business

The request was successful.

Dear Westminster City Council,

I would like a list of every food business in your borough which is currently operating. On the list I would like the following information on every business:

1. Address and postcode
2. Name
3. Date of last inspection
4. Score of last inspection
5. Class use of business (a1 or a3)
6. Brief description of business

I would like the information in the form of an excel spreadsheet.

Yours faithfully,

Yanis V

Westminster City Council

Confirmation of Freedom Of Information Request

Thank you for your request for information.

Your request details have now been recorded and will be passed on to the
appropriate Divisional Records Officer for action.

This Freedom Of Information Request was based on the following

Name: Yanis V
Address: See email address
Email: [FOI #49526 email]
Request Details:
I would like a list of every food business in your borough which is
currently operating. On the list I would like the following
information on every business:

1. Address and postcode
2. Name
3. Date of last inspection
4. Score of last inspection
5. Class use of business (a1 or a3)
6. Brief description of business

I would like the information in the form of an excel spreadsheet.

FOI Reference Number: 6032
Target Completion Date: 15/11/2010

Please do not reply to this email.
This is an automatic response to your request, and replies to this message
will not be actioned.

If you need to contact Westminster City Council regarding your request,
please contact:

mailto:[Westminster City Council request email]
Tel:020 7641 3921

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Flatman, Vicky, Westminster City Council

1 Attachment

Dear V Yanis

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Information Request 6032

I write in response to your request for information with regards to Food
Businesses within the borough of Westminster, I have enclosed a
spreadsheet detailing the information.

Should you feel the Council has not complied with requirements of the Act
you have recourse to the City Council's Corporate Complaints Procedure.
Stage One of the Complaints Procedure requires you to put your complaint
in writing to the:

Customer Complaints Officer
Community Protection Department
4^th Floor, City Hall
64 Victoria Street

Kind regards

Vicky Flatman
Technical Support Officer
Premises Management

5th Floor East
Westminster City Council
64 Victoria Street
London SW1E 6QP

( 0207 641 1052/2334
7 0207 641 2941
* [email address]

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Dear Flatman, Vicky,

Is Restaurants and other Caterers planning class A3? And retailers A1 ? Thanks

Yours sincerely,

Janis V

Flatman, Vicky, Westminster City Council

Dear Yanis

Unfortunately Im not sure about these classes, this information has come directly from the Food Safety Team at Westminster. You may need to contact the Planning Dept with regards to what is classed as A3 and A1 premises

Sorry I cant help you with anymore of this information

Kind regards


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Dear Flatman, Vicky,

I'm grateful for this information, however it is far more than what I need. Really I'm after a list of cafes, so only A3 premises. Please let me know if you would rather I make a new FOI request for this information. Thank you

Yours sincerely,

Janis V

Flatman, Vicky, Westminster City Council

Hi Janis

Unfortunately we don't rate our premises A3 or A1 here at the Westminster Food, Health & Safety Team. Food Premises are rated A -E and Health and Safety premises rated A - B1 - B4.

I am happy to provide you with just a list of Cafes that we have here at Westminster. Please let me know if this information would be suitable

Many thanks


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Dear Flatman, Vicky,

Yes a list of the information just for cafes would be brilliant. Thank you

Yours sincerely,

Janis V

Dear Flatman, Vicky,

Hello is this FOI request still open?

Yours sincerely,

Janis V

Flatman, Vicky, Westminster City Council

Hi Janis

No the request was closed. The last information that you should have received would have been a list of cafes in Westminster



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Dear Flatman, Vicky,

No list was attached. Perhaps that was a mistake on your part.

Yours sincerely,

Janis V

Flatman, Vicky, Westminster City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Janis

Many apologies I thought this had been sent



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