Follow on request re. Westgate parking charges

The request was successful.

Dear Oxford City Council,

This is a follow on request to my earlier request for information on Westgate parking charges:

Your response stated that such charges are subject to an annual review between the Council and Westgate where future parking charges are discussed. Please can you tell me when the next annual review is scheduled and whether the review can be brought forward by request of the council?

Yours faithfully,

Peter Barnett

Dear Oxford City Council,

I am waiting patiently for your response.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Barnett

Dear Oxford City Council,

A gentle reminder to respond to my FOI follow-up request.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Barnett

freedomofinformation, Oxford City Council

Dear Mr Barnett

Further to your follow on question received below I can respond as follows:

Your response stated that such charges are subject to an annual review between the Council and Westgate where future parking charges are discussed. Please can you tell me when the next annual review is scheduled and whether the review can be brought forward by request of the council?

The review is held in the first quarter of each year in order to align with the Westgate undertaking their annual budget review.

Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | SAC 3.8 | Oxford City Council | St Aldates Chambers | 109-113 St. Aldate's | Oxford | OX1 1DS 
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Dear freedomofinformation,

thank you for your partial response.

Can you also tell me whether such parking charge review can be brought forward?

Yours sincerely,

Peter Barnett

Freedom Of Information, Oxford City Council

Dear Mr Barnett,

Please see below. In clarification to our previous response, I can confirm that the annual reviews cannot be brought forward by the request of the Council.

Kind regards,

FOI Officer


Dear Mr Barnett

Further to your follow on question received below I can respond as follows:


Your response stated that such charges are subject to an annual review between the Council and Westgate where future parking charges are discussed. Please can you tell me when the next annual review is scheduled and whether the review can be brought forward by request of the council?


The review is held in the first quarter of each year in order to align with the Westgate undertaking their annual budget review.

Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | SAC 3.8 | Oxford City Council | St Aldates Chambers | 109-113 St. Aldate's | Oxford | OX1 1DS 

Website: | Follow us on Twitter: | Like us on Facebook:


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