Dear Grampian Health Board/NHS Grampian,

I am writing to you today under the Freedom of Information Acts to request some information on the waiting lists for Adult & Child Speech & Language Therapy.

Could you please outline the following:

- Current waiting list numbers for Adult and Child Speech and Language Therapy initial appointments in Aberdeenshire Council area (please break these down by child or adult category separately) and by Council or Grampian area where possible eg Aberdeenshire City, etc.
- A list of providers of the service e.g. where this is provided by a third party or by NHS or by Council staff
- The duration of the longest current waiting time on the list for a child patient to be assessed by the SLT service?
- Any current staffing shortfalls that the service has - e.g. for example are you currently recruiting for any SLT staff and if so how long has this vacancy been the case?

Please note I am not asking for any personally identifiable information and do not wish to know the identity of any particular staff members. I am interested in waiting times and subsequent statistics only.

Yours faithfully,


GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

Dear Requestor

Thank you for contacting the team with your request.

In order for me to process this as an FOI request I do require your full name within the body of the email. I kindly ask that you provide this further information and we will then be able to process your request further.

Kind regards,


Susie Nattrass
Information Governance Officer
Information Governance Team

NHS Grampian
Rosehill House
Cornhill Road
AB25 2ZG

Phone: 01224 554983
[NHS Grampian request email]

show quoted sections

Dear GRAM Foi, I am writing this message as a copy and paste of my previous FOIA where I omitted to include my last name. I have amended this below.

Dear Grampian Health Board/NHS Grampian,

I am writing to you today under the Freedom of Information Acts to request some information on the waiting lists for Adult & Child Speech & Language Therapy.

Could you please outline the following:

- Current waiting list numbers for Adult and Child Speech and Language Therapy initial appointments in Aberdeenshire Council area (please break these down by child or adult category separately) and by Council or Grampian area where possible eg Aberdeenshire City, etc.
- A list of providers of the service e.g. where this is provided by a third party or by NHS or by Council staff
- The duration of the longest current waiting time on the list for a child patient to be assessed by the SLT service?
- Any current staffing shortfalls that the service has - e.g. for example are you currently recruiting for any SLT staff and if so how long has this vacancy been the case?

Please note I am not asking for any personally identifiable information and do not wish to know the identity of any particular staff members. I am interested in waiting times and subsequent statistics only.

Yours faithfully,

Tim Cullen

GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

Dear Mr Cullen,
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
Thank you for your email dated 5 June 2024, requesting information
regarding Speech & Language Therapy. We have recorded this request and are
currently processing it in accordance with the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002.
A response to your request for information is due by 5 July 2024. Please
allow for delivery time.
We will contact you again in due course.

Best Wishes,



Information Governance Team
NHS Grampian
  Rosehill House

[NHS Grampian request email] Cornhill Road
Phone : 01224 5551495
AB25 2ZG
                 ext 51549




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GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

1 Attachment

Good Afternoon Mr Cullen,


Please find attached response to your request.






Susie Nattrass

Information Governance Officer 

Information Governance Team 


NHS Grampian 

Rosehill House 

Cornhill Road 


AB25 2ZG 


Phone: 01224 554983

[1][NHS Grampian request email] 






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1. mailto:[NHS Grampian request email]

Dear Grampian Health Board,

Thank you for providing the information requested within the timeframes.

Yours faithfully,

Tim Cullen