FOI: Warehouse fires / vacant premises / arson in schools

The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would be very grateful if you would provide the following data under Freedom of Information.

For the below, we are interested in the number of fire incidents in warehouses.
1. How many fires in warehouses have you attended in the last three calendar years (2018, 2019 and 2020 to date)?
2. Per year, please breakdown the above by the following:
a. Extent of damage
b. Cause of fire

For the below, we are interested in the number of fire incidents in vacant, non-residential buildings.
1. How many fires in empty commercial / retail premises have you attended in the last three calendar years (2018, 2019 and 2020 to date)?
2. Per year, please breakdown the above by the following:
a. Building usage (e.g. office, retail, warehouse etc)
b. Extent of damage
c. Cause of fire

For the below, we are interested in arson in schools.
1. Please state for the last five calendar years (including 2020 to date) how many fires you attended in schools that were deliberately started.
2. Per year, please breakdown by:
a. How many of these fires occurred during school hours
b. Where the fire was started
c. Extent of damage caused by the fire.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,


LFB Information Access, London Fire Brigade

Dear Chris,

Thank you for your request we received below.

This will be considered under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and we will respond as soon as we are able. Please note, given the current situation with the Coronavirus, this may be outside of the normal, expected timeframe for a FOI response (20 working days).

Thank you for your patience, with kind regards


Zoe Hughes 
Information Access 
London Fire Brigade  
169 Union Street  London  SE1 0LL  
T 020 8555 1200
E [email address]

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Dear Sir or Madam,
Under Freedom of Information, I would be grateful if you could provide the following information:
a) A breakdown per year for the last five calendar years to date of the number of fires in warehouses
b) A breakdown per year for the last five calendar years to date of the number of fires in schools that were deliberately started. For each incident, please include extent of damage.
c) A breakdown per year for the last five calendar years to date of the number of fires in empty shops/commercial buildings. For each incident, please include building usage (e.g. office, retail etc) and cause of fire.

Please note that I submitted a request on 3 December. I wish to withdraw that request and replace it with this one. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Kind regards,
Chris Johnson

LFB Information Access, London Fire Brigade

Dear Chris,

Thank you for your email. I have cancelled your requested received on 03/12/2020 (LFB reference FOIA5532.1).

Your new request below will be considered under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and we will respond as soon as we are able. Please note, given the current situation with the Coronavirus, this may be outside of the normal, expected timeframe for a FOI response (20 working days).

Thank you for your patience, with kind regards


Zoe Hughes 
Information Access 
London Fire Brigade  
169 Union Street  London  SE1 0LL  
T 020 8555 1200
E [email address

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Just checking to see if you had an update on this.

Yours sincerely,

C D Johnson

LFB Information Access, London Fire Brigade

Dear C D Johnson,

Thank you for following up in this respect, I am sorry that I have not been able to update you sooner.

I apologise for the delay, the Brigade is currently dealing with a some complex information requests and we are struggling to deal with all requests as quickly as we would like, particularly as staff are still working from home. We are working through our information requests cases in a chronological order. I still have 55 information requests to respond to that I received before your request on 17 December 2020.

Some of these requests I may be able to answer in a day or less or, depending on the complexity of the case, it may take me a week or longer to process the information and respond to these. Therefore, unfortunately, I am unable to provide you with an expected completion date for your request.

We are working hard to respond to all requests as soon as possible and thank you for your continued patience at this time.

Kind regards,


Zoe Hughes 
Information Access 
London Fire Brigade  
169 Union Street  London  SE1 0LL  
T 020 8555 1200
E [email address

show quoted sections

LFB Information Access, London Fire Brigade

Apologies, there was a typo in the email below.

I still have 55 information requests to respond to that I received before your request on 10 December 2020 (not 17 December as previously stated).


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LFB Information Access, London Fire Brigade

1 Attachment

Good afternoon C D Johnson,


I refer to your request for information, received on 15 December 2020,
which has been considered under the Freedom of Information Act.  I
apologise for the delay in providing the information you were seeking. The
Brigade is currently dealing with some complex information requests and we
are struggling to deal with all requests as quickly as we would like,
particularly as staff are still working from home.


Our Data team have provided the information requested and I have attached
as PDF document ‘FOIA5551.1_Response’.  The response contains formatting
(such as tables or pictures) that are not currently supported by the
WhatDoTheyKnow system.


I hope you find this information of use. Should you have any further
questions please do let me know.


We have dealt with your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
For more information about this process please see the guidance we publish
about making a request on our website:


Kind regards




Tavell Carter

Information Access


London Fire Brigade

169 Union Street  London  SE1 0LL

T 020 8555 1200 x 30314

M 07385382595

E [2][email address]


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