FOI - Smoking and Vaping product seizures
Hi there,
I am submitting a Freedom of Information request. I am looking to receive information on the following questions broken down annually, back over the last decade, or as far back as possible within this time frame.
How many units of vapes were seized in your local authority?
How many units of cigarette packs were seized in your local authority?
How many units of hand-rolled tobacco products were seized in your local authority?
Could this data be presented annually for each of the below time periods?
These are as follows:
1st January 2023 > 31st Feb 2023
1st January 2022 > 31st Dec 2022
1st January 2021 > 31st Dec 2021
1st January 2020 > 31st Dec 2020
1st January 2019 > 31st Dec 2019
1st January 2018 > 31st Dec 2018
1st January 2017 > 31st Dec 2017
1st January 2016 > 31st Dec 2016
1st January 2015 > 31st Dec 2015
1st January 2014 > 31st Dec 2014
1st January 2013 > 31st Dec 2013
1st January 2012 > 31st Dec 2012
1st January 2011 > 31st Dec 2011
1st January 2010 > 31st Dec 2010
If you could send the information over in a csv or xlsx format, that would be ideal.
Let me know if you have any questions on the above or need any clarifications.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Emma Bertie
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Dear Emma Bertie,
Further to your request, this information is held by Gloucestershire
County Council and not Cotswold District Council.
Please redirect your FOI request to Gloucestershire County Council at
[email address].
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Team
Cotswold District Council
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