FOI - Sale Contract for Land at Graven Hill

The request was successful.

Dear Cherwell District Council,

I wish to make a FOI request to see the contract of sale for the land at Graven Hill, purchased by Cherwell DC from the Ministry of Defence.

Yours faithfully,

Jake Smart

Dear Cherwell District Council,

My FOI request is delayed. I understand this should have been responded to by the 18th April.

Yours faithfully,

Jake Smart

FOI & EIR REQUESTS, Cherwell District Council

1 Attachment

Dear Jake Smart,

Please find attached response to your recent request for information.

Yours sincerely,

Adeleke Jayeola
Information Governance Officer (Locum)
Cherwell District Council

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Dear Adeleke Jayeola

I find it extremely hard to believe that after having completed a land transaction for several million pounds, CDC, the purchaser does not have access to the terms of the sale agreement. Please reconsider your response.

Yours sincerely,

Jake Smart

FOI & EIR REQUESTS, Cherwell District Council

Dear Jake Smart,

Thank you for your email requesting a review of our response dated 25 April 2023.

Your request for a review was received on 26 April 2023 and has been forwarded to the relevant officers, who will carry out an internal review. Once the review is complete you will be informed of the outcome.

If you have any queries about this message, please contact me via email to [Cherwell District Council request email] .

Please remember to quote the reference number 779938 in any future communications.

Kind regards,

Adeleke Jayeola
Information Governance Officer (Locum)
Cherwell District Council

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FOI & EIR REQUESTS, Cherwell District Council

2 Attachments

Dear Jake Smart,

Please find attached response to your request for an internal review of our previous response to your recent request for information.

Yours sincerely,

Adeleke Jayeola
Information Governance Officer (Locum)
Cherwell District Council

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