FOI Responses

The request was partially successful.

Dear Southend-on-Sea City Council,

Please supply a copy of all the responses you gave in February 2023 to Freedom of Information requests.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Bell

council, Southend-on-Sea City Council

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report too.  Visit [1]


If your enquiry is of an urgent nature please telephone the Customer
Service Centre, the relevant contact numbers can be located on our website
[2]   ...


Where your e-mail is seeking a response, you will next receive a reply
from our Customer Service Centre. We aim to reply to all enquiries within
5 working days.


A customer service officer will either:


•         Answer your enquiry in full

•         Advise you that a service request has been made on your behalf
and provide a reference number

•         Let you know that your enquiry has been referred for a
specialist reply


Due to the high numbers of e-mails, we receive, we regret we are unable to
respond to those containing unsolicited advertising (‘junk’ mail).


Customer Service Centre

Southend City Council

Civic Centre

Victoria Avenue


Essex SS2 6EP

Email: [3][Southend-on-Sea City Council request email]

Web: [4]

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council, Southend-on-Sea City Council

Good Morning,

Thank you for your email.

Your enquiry has been sent to the FOI Department for assistance.


Customer Service Centre
Sophie, Southend-on-Sea City Council
Civic Centre
Victoria Avenue
Essex SS2 6EP
Email: [Southend-on-Sea City Council request email]
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Southend FOI Requests, Southend-on-Sea City Council

4 Attachments

Customer Notice: Please do not e-mail Freedom of Information requests for
Southend City Council to individual officers. Please instead direct them
to [1][email address] where our central team will
direct their registration and completion.


Dear Andrew Bell


Thank you for your request received on 14 August 2023 for information
under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Environmental Information
Regulations 2004.


Your request should receive a reply by 12 September 2023.


If you have any other queries, please get in touch quoting the FOI
reference number FOI 13348. Where possible please use email as telephone
contact may not always be possible.


Kind regards



Corporate Freedom of Information Team

Information Governance, Complaints and Resolution Hub | Information Rights

Southend-on-Sea City Council, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue,
Southend-on-Sea, SS2 6ER (01702) 215000
[2][email address] [3]

[4]Description: Twitter  [5]Twitter@SouthendCityC
[6]Description: Facebook  [7]
[8]Description: Insta  [9]
[10]Description: Flickr  [11]





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2. mailto:[email address]

Southend FOI Requests, Southend-on-Sea City Council

Dear A Bell,


Re: Freedom of Information Request – FOI 13348


I am writing regarding your request for information, which was received on
14.08.2023. Please accept our apologies for the delay in our response to
your request.


In that request you asked us for information below:


• Please supply a copy of all the responses you gave in February 2023 to
Freedom of Information requests.


I can confirm that the search for the information you requested has been
completed and I can advise you of the following:


• Please see the below weblink which will provide you with a copy of all
the emails or letters that Southend-on-Sea City Council sent in
February 2023 in response to Freedom of Information Requests.


Please be aware that as we responded to a high number of Freedom of
Information Requests during the timeframe requested, and some of these
responses included several attachments, there is a high number of files
(over 150) and therefore we are unable to send them to you as attachments
via email.


You can view and download your them using the following secure link:




The documents will be available for collection through this link until
11.10.2023. Please save a copy of the documents to your own personal


As there is a large number of files, please be aware that it may take a
couple of minutes to save or view the documents via the weblink.


• If you are unable to collect your documents in this way, please let
our team know and we will make other arrangements. This may however
delay you receiving the attachments.


• Please also be aware that we have redacted information from within the
responses we have provided you. The information which has been
redacted contains the personal information, such as name and contact
details, of individuals who submitted the Freedom of Information
Requests. Under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act this
information is exempt from disclosure because to provide it would
enable the identification of the individual concerned which is
contrary to their rights under the Data Protection Act and no
overriding public interest has been put forward enabling the

Additionally, in line with our usual practice and Section 40(2) of the
Freedom of Information Act, names and post titles are provided for
officers of Head of Service level and above and post titles only for
more junior members of staff.


All staff can be contacted by telephone on 01702 215000 and by e-mail on
[2][Southend-on-Sea City Council request email]. If you were to enter into communication with
individual officers, they would supply you with their specific contact


If you wish to discuss any of the above, please contact me. Please
remember to quote the above reference number above in any future


If you are unhappy with the service you have received and would like a
formal review of our response, you can write to the Information Rights
Support Service via email at [3][email address].


If you are not content with the outcome of your review, you can make a
complaint under the Council’s complaints process by writing to the
Complaints Support Service via email at
[4][email address] or via post to Civic Centre,
Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS2 6ER.


You can also apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a
decision although generally the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have
exhausted the Council’s complaints procedure. The Information Commissioner
can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe
House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.


Yours sincerely,


Holly Gudgin – Corporate Freedom of Information Team

Information Governance, Complaints and Resolution Hub | Information Rights
Support | Southend-on-Sea City Council

( 01702 534929 (Direct) | * [5][email address] |
8 [6]

Southend-on-Sea City Council, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend on
Sea, Essex, SS2 6ER




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5. mailto:[email address]

Dear Southend FOI Requests,

I would like the information to be provided to me via a Zip file.


Andrew Bell

Southend FOI Requests, Southend-on-Sea City Council

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    FOI 13348 Response Attachements

    21.7M Download

Dear A Bell,


Thank you for your email.


As requested, please find attached the .zip file containing the
attachments in response to your Freedom of Information request, FOI 13348.
Due to the number of documents within the .zip file, please be aware that
it may take a couple of minutes to open, save or view the file.


Please let us know whether you have been successfully able to receive and
access the .zip file.


If you have any other queries, please get in touch quoting the FOI
reference number FOI 13348. Where possible please use email as telephone
contact may not always be possible.


Kind regards,


Holly Gudgin – Corporate Freedom of Information Team

Information Governance, Complaints and Resolution Hub | Information Rights
Support | Southend-on-Sea City Council

( 01702 534929 (Direct) | * [1][email address] |
8 [2]

Southend-on-Sea City Council, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend on
Sea, Essex, SS2 6ER


show quoted sections

Southend FOI Requests, Southend-on-Sea City Council

5 Attachments

Dear A Bell,


Re: Freedom of Information Request – FOI 13816


I am writing regarding your request for information, which was received on

In that request you asked us for information below:


Please could you provide me with the following information:

 1. The number of requests for children to be considered under the
Children’s With Disabilities team in the first half of last year and
the number of requests refused in the first half of the last year
 2. What is the eligibility criteria for individuals to be considered
under the CWD team?


I can confirm that the search for the information you requested has been
completed and I can advise you of the following:


 1. This is not ordinarily reported on, and such is not easily calculated.
For the period of 1 April to 30 September 2023, 4,759 contacts were
received and of this 1,062 had an outcome of a referral. The
calculation would require a review of each referral, which we estimate
would take approximately 15 – 20 minutes per referral.  Therefore, if
these files were examined, I estimate that fulfilling your request
would take a minimum of 265.5 hours.

The appropriate cost limit for handling a Freedom of Information request
is specified in regulations and for local government it is set at £450,
the equivalent of one member of staff working on a request for 18 hours at
a fixed rate of £25 per hour.

Based on the foregoing, your request would take a minimum of 265.5 hours
and therefore it will cost more than the appropriate limit.

Consequently, the Council is not obliged by the Freedom of Information Act
2000 to respond your request (see section 12(1)).

2.     Please see attached document.


If you are unhappy with the service you have received and would like a
formal review of our response, you can write to the Information Rights
Support Service via email at [1][email address].


If you are not content with the outcome of your review, you can make a
complaint under the Council’s complaints process by writing to the
Complaints Support Service via email at
[2][email address] or via post to Civic Centre,
Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS2 6ER.


You can also apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a
decision although generally the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have
exhausted the Council’s complaints procedure. The Information Commissioner
can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe
House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.


Yours sincerely,


Gemma Thompson – Corporate Freedom of Information Team

Information Governance, Complaints and Resolution Hub | Information Rights
Support |

| [3][email address] | [4]

Southend-on-Sea City Council, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend on
Sea, Essex, SS2 6ER


[5]Description: Twitter  [6]Twitter@SouthendCityC
[7]Description: Facebook  [8]
[9]Description: Insta  [10]
[11]Description: Flickr  [12]



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